Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Getting back on track quickly and efficiently is super important.

Create an environment where it's harder or nearly impossible to make bad choices.

You want to make it easy to eat right and train.

My new client and I would go over the 100 BEST Foods You Can Eat list, and over their individualized grocery list.

"Because if you go to the store and make great choices and also buy things NOT on the list you're going to eat those too."

"So don't buy it!"

That's the beauty of the "Don't Buy it" Diet.

If you buy it you'll eat it, and if you don't it makes it harder to get to.

This helps you break the habit of going for those bad food choices, when you have more control over your environment.

So the bottom line is if you've got junk food in the house you're going to eat it.

So help yourself stay on track this week. Go home and clean out the pantry and refrigerator of any junk food you know isn't moving you to your goals.

The more like-minded people you surround yourself with, the better you'll do with staying on track.

When you work with a healthy fitness minded group of people, you'll also have people that can help you get when you want to move faster.

They've made the same mistakes you've made (and a lot more). People are discovering many new ways to exercise these days. Some are brand new styles being introduced at the local fitness centers, while others are centuries old traditions that have proven to be beneficial to people around the world. As a way to improve physical health as well as mental balance, yoga has become more popular than ever, and some adherents are looking to help teach other people about the benefits that it can unlock. This raises the question: is it possible to find a yoga teacher training online program that will properly prepare a person to teach others? By expanding the search to include a yoga teacher training online program, a person has a far greater potential to enroll in a program that is best suited for them, to learn the history of the particular style they will be teaching and the knowledge of how best to help join the practice of yoga into their students' everyday lives.

Yoga, as one of the oldest and most universally recognized practices of blending body, mind and spirit, is the natural choice that many people are looking at to help them improve. To want to teach people yoga is a noble endeavor, and one that people should not enter into lightly. That makes the search for the proper yoga training method the most important first step a person can take.

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