Thursday, June 6, 2013
Breakfast or Sports First?
Body refreshed and energized throughout the day can be achieved by exercising in the morning. But breakfast is also necessary to obtain optimal energy. So which one is more beneficial, do breakfast or exercise first?
Several studies have found that eating before exercise can provide energy during exercise. After breakfast is a better time to do a more intense exercise because the body has the energy to do the exercise with full capacity.
A new study published in the journal International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism reveals eating salty foods before exercise to prevent dehydration during exercise the body. This is because salty foods can contribute to the body's electrolytes are needed when the body secretes a lot of fluid.
Keeping the body to stay hydrated by consuming enough water during exercise is important to optimize sports performance. Dehydration during exercise will lead to rapid fatigue, stomach cramps one hand, even organ dysfunction.
But regardless of which must be done first, exercise and breakfast equally important to do in the morning. In fact a new study from the UK revealed eating and exercise in the morning can improve mood and memory.
The study involved 12 men who have breakfast habits and exercise in the morning. Researchers measuring the ability of the participants in processing the data, time reacting, mental fatigue, and focus.
The result of the participants had an average capability better than those who exercise but not breakfast, or breakfast but not sports.
According to the American Council on Exercise, exercise before breakfast actually okay to do. As long as the selected type of exercise is moderate exercise, such as some yoga poses and stretching.
Select Shoes Under Foot Type
When buying shoes, you should not be lulled by low prices or models that interest you. Not necessarily a trendy shoe models can provide the comfort and function according to your needs. Unfortunately, most people still pay attention to when choosing a shoe model alone, only then comfort, and foot size.
"You have to look at the need and the type of foot that is really comfortable to wear," said Arie Wijaya, Indonesia Nike Product Specialist, at the launch of Nike Free "Free Your Run" in Pulau Macan, Thousand Islands, North Jakarta, Wednesday (10/4 / 2013) then.
1. Needs
Do not be easily tempted by the variety of shoes on offer. Your needs will determine what the model and the type of shoes are suitable for use. For example, when it comes to exercise, you can not use a flat loafers or shoes ordinary.
"Loafers or flat shoes are usually made of elastic materials, especially on the front. Rigid materials make these shoes hard driven, and lead foot so lazy to move," he explained.
In addition, when I want to relax you also can not choose high heels. These shoes will make your leg muscles and tensed interested. Consequently feet so sore and tired easily.
2. Type your feet
Broadly speaking, humans have three types of feet, which is normal, flat arc and high arc. This foot type can be seen through the footprints. At the foot of the normal form, there is a clear distinction between the concave and flat sections on the palm. With normal foot size, this basin would look not too deep and in accordance with the length and width of the foot.
"The owner is suitable for normal foot wear any kind of shoes," he said.
For high arc foot type, foot basin looks very deep. This basin is the lead spacing on the right foot this basin will be very small. Arie added, as this type of foot can be caused by the use of high heels too often. High heels will support the heel of the foot to be higher. As a result, all the weight will be concentrated on the front of the foot (ball of the foot).
"You who have this type of high-risk foot injury and sprains," said Arie. This can be overcome by using a type of shoe that has a midsole (soft sole lining on the inside of shoes) with a fairly high side pads. The side bearings serve to fill the hollows legs so that the soles of his feet to be more even and balanced so it is not easy sprain.
Arc flat foot type, foot shape is characterized by a flat and full in his footsteps. This form of the foot soles of the feet as easier to feel tired because you concentrate all your weight on the foot, and the pressure to be too big foot welcome.
To fix this, you can choose a shoe that has a high flexibility and easy. Shoes with a soft lining in all of its parts will help you to feel more relaxed, thereby reducing pressure on the foot.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
30 Minute Sports Help Reduce Smoking Desire
If you are a smoker and are still looking for ways to overcome the addiction to cigarettes, the advice that this one might be considered. Take the time to exercise on a regular basis for a few minutes each day! In addition to healthy, calorie burning activities, it is also helps reduce the craving for tobacco.
Recent research scientists at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS) prove,
Physical activity is proven to reduce the tendency to smoke cigarettes, especially among teenagers. Exercising for 30 minutes can increase the chance to forget the smoking habit.
According to the study, teens who take physical education programs have more chance to not smoke. "Physical exercise routine 30 minutes, including walking for 20 minutes, was more effective than smoking refusal to friends of the gang," said researcher SPHHS, Kimberly Horn, EdD.
In this study, researchers included 233 respondents from 19 high schools in West Virginia, which is a state in the United States with the highest number of smokers. Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 13 percent of the population of West Virginia is a smoker under the age of 18 years. The respondents were daily smokers were also at risk in other negative activities. On average the respondents can suck half a pack of cigarettes per day or one pack at the weekend.
During the study period, some respondents follow the activities to stop smoking, which combined with a program of physical fitness. While another respondent smoking cessation program, which combined with a short lecture.
From the results shown, adolescents with regular physical activity proved to be more capable of reducing the smoking habit. The teens were also asked to improve or increase the exercise time. Further research is proving physical exercise 20-30 minutes per day to be the most effective time.
Tightness arising from smoking during exercise actually causes discomfort. This tightness encourage teens to reduce smoking consumption. Consumption decreased smoking actually causes a sense of relief during breathing, which helps teens finish their physical exercise.
However, further research is still needed to look at the biological and chemical relationships, between physical exercise and reduce smoking. Further research is also needed to evaluate their effectiveness in other states, and treatment for smokers of different age levels. "But we believe this study could be used for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, ie smoking cessation and exercise diligently," said Kimberly.
Source: Medical News Today /
Do not underestimate Benefits of Walking
Although impressed by the light and casual, walk turned out to be a healthy activity for a number of reasons. By walking, you can prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body by increasing the intake of oxygen and facilitates blood circulation.
Walking also strengthens bones and muscles, because the walking motion requires more than 600 muscles and 200 bones that work. It also reduces body fat, as well as effective to prevent the diseases that come with age.
Here are some facts about the way the foot:
1. Walking for 20 minutes each day will burn 7 pounds of fat per year.
2. Longer walk every day for 40 minutes is the best way to lose weight.
3. Brisk walk of 20 to 25 minutes are the best conditions for the heart and lungs.
Walking also provides the following benefits:
1. Improve effectiveness of the heart and lungs
2. Burn fat in the body
3. Increase metabolism so the body burns calories faster, even though the middle of a break
4. Helps control appetite
5. improve energy
6. Help cure stress
7. slows aging
8. Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood
9. Lowering high blood levels
10. Helps Prevent and control diabetes
11. Lower the risk of some cancers such as prostate and breast cancer
12. Assist rehabilitation of heart attack and stroke
13. Strengthen muscular legs, hips and spine
Walking is much more favored in the appeal of running or jogging because walking reduces stress on the body including the thigh, knee and ankle. Remember to always warm up beforehand and relaxation after a walk. Wear shoes that fit a little loose in the front in anticipation of widening of the foot when walking is done so as to avoid the pain.
There are a few tips to get the most benefit from walking activities, among others:
* In the morning, warm up first. Warming the body needs in order not surprised by the movement of muscles and bones, so it does not cause muscle cramps. The best time to go is early morning, before breakfast or half an hour after that.
* Runs in the morning can significantly help you lose weight because there are not many sources of energy in the body at that time. However, for people who are not in good condition, it is recommended to run in the afternoon, when the rhythm of the body reaches its peak and the body becomes flexible enough.
* Walking can also help prevent obesity. Brisk walk before dinner can burn calories in the body. As for you who suffer from insomnia, walking in the light can help you immediately sleepy.
Source: From Various Sources
"High Heels" Pain Caused An hour Once Used
For many women, high heeled shoes high heels alias is required to support the appearance of goods. In fact, this kind of shoes directly causing pain after an hour of use.
In the meantime if you wear high heels for dancing, the pain immediately after the 10 minutes of usage.
This was stated by a third of respondents in the UK. They were forced to admit in pain all night while using shoes to dance so when I got home they choose barefoot.
The survey was conducted by The College of Podiatry of 2,000 men and women, as well as 60 foot health experts (podiatrists) and therapists feet.
Podiatrists consultant Mike O'Neil of College of Podiatry legs bent warning of the dangers resulting from the use narrow shoes can cause long-term damage, including arthritis, bone fracture, and nerve kejepit, requiring surgery or steroid injections to relieve pain.
"Not denying the use of high heels make women potentially long-term injury in the name of fashion. If given the choice would be a stylish shoes or comfortable shoes, most would choose the first one," said O'Neil.
The higher and slanted heel shoes, getting pushed to the front of our body so we have to step back to balance. "This makes crooked pelvis resulting in pressure on the spinal cord," he said.
High heel shoes with a narrow tip to push the foot so that toes are compressed and can lead to ingrown nails, eyelets, or calluses. The condition can also cause the feet moist, especially if high heels are worn all day, so mold and bacteria to flourish.
"Shoes that make us walk with the palm side down can cause pain and excessive pressure. This could also lead to a tear in the joints causing arthritis," he said.
High heel shoes with more than 5 centimeters should be wary of. If you want to look taller, thicker soles are advised to use the stack, such as shoe wedges.
Although most of the complaining about the pain of high heels, but 20 percent of respondents said did not want to go to the doctor because of the pain they do not consider important.
Do not give children a wide range of Origin Supplements
Meet all the nutritional needs of children through a healthy diet is the right step and the most ideal. For parents who are concerned with children's health, you should not cower at the picky eater. Many tricks and effort you can do, other than keep trying to teach healthy eating habits, you can give a boost to supplement or multivitamin appetite enhancer.
That's just the problem with appetite, how about stamina and intelligence issues? Parent would want a healthy and smart children. To meet these needs there are many multivitamins for kids are available. Worse if you see your child is hard to eat, easily hurt, and no enthusiasm for learning, it takes all. But maybe not so much supplement feeding on the little guy, is not it?
Besides quality and reliable quality of the multivitamin, you also have to sort out the most needed smart little guy. "Parents want a smart kid and achievement. But if you have problems with appetite, it should be repaired first, "advises Noppi Surjatno, General Manager Marketing after the event" Press Conference Launching Event Photo Competition 'Millionaire Kids' ", Manhattan Fish Market, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Tuesday (27 / 11/2012) last.
When a child's nutritional needs are fulfilled properly will automatically boost the brain's ability to absorb lessons in school. Moreover endurance will be stronger against disease.
"Options multivitamin that contains lysine is appropriate for children that are difficult to eat. Usually a difficult child or a very picky eating, the body will lack the nutrients needed. Multivitamins will complete vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body of the child. Research shows a combination of lysine and vitamin B complex to boost a child's appetite, "said Noppi.
When the baby's appetite is good you will be more easily persuaded mengasup meminalisasikan properties of foods and their constituents. After the problem is resolved and you still want to give more intake on brain, Noppi suggest you can switch the child supplement that contains taurine in it. "If you want to give both of them should not be given concurrently. Could give you pause, such as for appetite morning, afternoon which adds the ability to learn."
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Intelligent Use of Medicinal Herbs
Herbal medicines have hundreds or even thousands of years used for generations to maintain health and fitness. Even so, herbal medicine can not be taken carelessly.
According to the 2010 Basic Health Research Ministry of Health, the Indonesian 59.12 had been taking herbs or herbal. Types of plants that have the potential as drugs such as ginger, turmeric, ginger, ireng, kencur, ginger, bitter, Dutch identity, Java chili, and ginger.
Even so, according to Prof.Maksum Radji, the use of herbal medicine can not replace modern medicine. "Generally herbal drug reactions are slow, so that in cases of medical emergencies modern medicine is better used as the reaction more quickly to address or eliminate symptoms of certain pain," he said.
Modern medicine, according to Professors of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, although isolated from natural materials, but have gone through a comprehensive testing rules and complete so that the benefits and risks are distandarasisasi well.
In contrast with traditional medicine, which is inherited from generation to generation and only based on empirical evidence.
"To be able to be used in medicine, herbal medicine clinical trials require a series of steps to ensure a level of safety, dosage, method of use, efficacy, monitor side effects and interactions with other drug compounds," he said.
Therefore, according to the current use of herbal medicine can only be limited to maintaining health. Herbal remedies also should not be mixed with modern medicine.
"The provision of herbal medicines should be avoided when the patient consumes the dosage regimen of modern medicine is very low, such as: antihistamines, immunosuppressant, cardiac drugs, antidiabetic drugs, anticoagulants (warfarin), theophylline, anti retroviral drugs, anti-cholesterol, and so on," he said.
Therefore if you want to combine herbal remedies with modern medicine, should be taken between 1-2 hours later.
For chronic diseases and have severe complications, such as diabetes or cancer, should be accompanied by an examination by a doctor to prevent unwanted side effects.
In order Protected from Fake Drugs
Still many counterfeit drugs on the market makes consumers should be more keen to tell which drug is suitable for consumption or not.
Head of the Drug Information Center and Food Agency of Drug and Food (FDA) Reri Indriani say, in plain counterfeit medicines is difficult dibeadakan of the original drug. The best method is through laboratory testing. Because it is the simplest way to prevent the consumption of counterfeit drugs bought in pharmacies are reliable.
"To stop the circulation of counterfeit drugs are also needed reduction in demand of counterfeit drugs themselves. Society should be more discerning and critical," he said.
Counterfeit drugs derived from waste medication that is outdated. Addition will not cure the disease, these drugs actually poison the body, even causing death.
In the event that FDA Friend Mom titled "STOP: So Spared (from) Counterfeit Medicines" in Jakarta, Tuesday (03/28/2013), Reri gives tips to avoid fake drugs.
1. Buy drugs at official outlets. Prescription drugs can only be obtained at a pharmacy with a prescription, while the drug-free and drug-free unlimited can be purchased in pharmacies and licensed drug stores.
2. Check the labels listed on the packaging the drug, which include drug marketing authorization number consists of 15 digits, the drug name, the name and address of the manufacturer, and the product expiration date.
3. Check the packaging carefully medicine. Drug should be sealed properly, color and writing on the packaging is still good, do not fade or other defects.
4. Tell the doctor if it does not give the expected therapeutic effect or no improvement after taking the drug.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
7 Ways Inserting Eat Vegetables on the Menu
Regularly eat vegetables is one way to avoid various chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Unfortunately, not all of us are able to meet the recommendation to eat three to five servings of vegetables per day. But not to worry, there are a few simple ways that can help us to eat more vegetables.
1. Start in the morning
Started inserting vegetables in breakfast menu allows us to meet the recommended servings. Try to include a piece of spinach, onions, peppers, and mushrooms into the omelets at breakfast. If you want to reduce cholesterol, then do not include egg yolks into a meal.
2. Drinking vegetable
Try to make a drink that is made from vegetables, such as vegetable juices or smoothies. Combine with fruit so it is not too bitter.
3. Replace snacks
If used to snacking crackers or chips, try to replace it with vegetables such as carrot sticks, celery, cucumber and even peanuts. Mix with low-fat yogurt or lemon juice to make it more palatable.
4. Multiply
Each incorporate vegetables into the diet, then fold Take a copy numbers. In addition, a salad can be a good choice to consume enough vegetables in the midst.
5. Vegetable sauce
When making the sauce, the meat is generally selected as a mixture in order to add rich texture and taste. But it turns out vegetables can also have the same role as the meat. Try using eggplant and mushroom pasta sauce to the mix, and feel the benefits.
6. More messages
while eating at a restaurant, try to order more vegetables in the diet. Even if you can, ask to substitute some of the ingredients on the menu with vegetables.
7. Days without meat
Although not choose to be vegetarian, but we can strive for one meatless day we increase the consumption of vegetables. Replace meat with vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and other vegetables.
Effects of Fish Oil Reduce "Junk Food"
Aka junk food "junk"-because it contains no nutritional value other than calories-a type of food that should be avoided if we want to avoid diseases related to heart and blood vessels. However, if it is difficult to avoid the temptation of junk food, maybe you should start routinely taking fish oil supplements.
Analysis conducted at 185 study suggests that fish oil supplements can minimize the effects of junk food on the brain. A team of researchers from the University of Liverpool analyzed studies conducted around the world to determine evidence of benefit supplement omega-3 fatty acids. The research team also examined if these supplements are beneficial for weight loss.
A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition indicates that fatty junk food diet can hinder the process called neurogenesis or the formation of new nerve cells. While a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may prevent the negative effects by stimulating areas of the brain that controls eating, learning, and memory.
Although the team found that fish oil does not have a direct effect on this process in the area of the brain, fish oil has an important role in reducing the ability of carbohydrates or sugars and saturated fats to inhibit brain controls the desire to eat.
It is also likely to lead to useful fish oil for weight control. Chairman Dr. Lucy Pickavance study from the University's Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease said, weight is influenced by many factors. One of the most important factors that influence it are nutrients that we consume.
"Excessive intake of certain macronutrients, such as sugars and saturated fats found in junk food, can lead to weight gain, interfere with metabolism, even affect cognitive abilities," said Pickavance.
This change, he added, can be seen from the structure of the brain, including the ability to make the process of formation of new nerve cells. Therefore, in other words, obesity is associated with neurological diseases of aging.
"Fish oil is not a direct effect on weight loss, but it can stop the effects of the aging process in the brain that is triggered by a high-fat diet," said Pickavance.
Cream Facial Treatment Is Necessary For All Skin Types?
Facial creams though I've never used it because my skin including excellent and I felt fine without using it. Just what they need? Thankfully if so. And you really believe that washing your skin with clean water and a little soap is sufficient to maintain healthy skin face?
Well now is the time for you to reconsider your face skin condition that you think it is very ideal. Instead kagak keteranganmu ya believe it's for your own good loh. All skin types are normal, dry and oily certainly will interact directly with nature are the main factors temperature and humidity in your daily activities.
Why Cream Facial Treatment Need?
Especially for you who feel fine without ever using a facial cream it must be recognized that changes in temperature and humidity sooner or later it will surely have an impact on your face skin. The simplest is to be sure your face skin pores catch dust and oil from the air. Not to mention the sweat dries on the face and neck. If you glance seems to have quite simply cleaned with water and soap then in any given time the new will emerge impact.
Weve how important does the use of facial creams? How lucky you are that you have normal skin which is still a lot of them think with pedenya that does not require any kind of normal skin face care cream. Wait a minute, should be visited over whether the definition of "normal skin" it?
Whatever type of skin care routine requires absolute kamusesungguhnya using the material most suitable skin care. It must be realized that does not mean you are less fortunate have a particular kind of dry and oily skin. The second type of skin requires a more careful treatment because they are naturally more susceptible to sediment dust and air pollution. Proper skin care cream will help maintain suppleness and smoothness.
Source :
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Fruit is one of the types of food that contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals which are generally very good to eat every day. Compared with chemical drugs supplements sold in the shops, the fruit is much safer without the dangerous side effects as well as of the prices are generally much cheaper than the supplements that have the same function.
Below we can see the nutritional content and healthy benefits of some types of fruit are many around us:
* Tomatoes contain vitamins A, B1 and C.
* Tomatoes can help cleanse the liver and blood.
and can prevent various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Bleeding gums.
- Night blindness / kotok chicken.
- Blood clots.
- Appendicitis.
- Prostate cancer and breast cancer.
* Papaya contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Papaya can help break down dietary fiber in the digestive system, digestive tract launched.
and can cope with or treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Heals wounds.
- Eliminate the infection.
- Eliminate allergies
* Bananas contain vitamins A, B1, B2 and C.
* Bananas can help reduce stomach acid.
* Bananas can help maintain water balance in the body.
bananas can cope with or treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Disorders of the stomach.
- Heart disease and stroke
- Stress
- cholesterol levels in the blood.
* Mango contains vitamin A, E and C.
* Mango can act as a disinfectant and to cleanse the blood.
jg mango can cope with or treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Body odor / dd / bad body odor.
- Reduce body heat during a fever.
* Strawberries contains provitamin A, vitamin B1, B and C.
* Stobery substances contain antioxidants to fight free radicals.
strawberries have utility / other health functions such as:
- Treat the health problems of the urinary bladder.
- Being anti virus
- To be anti-cancer
6. Apple
* Apple contains vitamins A, B and C.
* Aple can help lower blood cholesterol levels.
apples have utility / other health functions such as:
- Be the anti-cancer agent.
- Reduce appetite is too big.
7. Citrus fruit
* Oranges contain vitamin A, B1, B2 and C.
* Oranges containing anticancer for the body.
jg oranges can prevent and treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Treating thrush.
- Reduce the risk of cardiovascular, cancer, and cataracts.
* Pear contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Pear contains anti-oxidants are good for health.
pear can prevent a variety of diseases and other health problems such as:
- Reduce fever / hot body.
- Diluting and eliminating phlegm to cough up phlegm.
* Guava contains vitamin C which is very much.
* Guava contain antioxidant and anticancer agents.
guava have utility / other health functions such as:
- Lowers blood cholesterol levels
- Treat the infection.
- Keep treating canker sores.
- Improving blood circulation.
- Launched the digestive tract.
- Preventing constipation.
* Watermelon contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Watermelon can be hypo-allergenic.
watermelon have utility / other health functions such as:
- Lowers cholesterol levels.
- Prevent and restrain a heart attack.
* Melon contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Melon contains anti-cancer and anti-oxidant.
melons have utility / other health functions such as:
- Prevent blood clot.
- Cleanse the skin.
- Menlancarkan digestive tract.
- Kolestrerol levels.
* Carrots are rich in vitamin A.
* Carrots good for maintaining eye health.
jg carrots have utility / other health functions such as:
- Boost immunity and physical endurance.
- Keeping the heart healthy.
* Star fruit contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Starfruit can help facilitate digestion of food.
starfruit have utility / other health functions such as:
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Reduce levels / levels of cholesterol in the body.
Healthy naturally without chemicals?? buah2an fresh solution!!
Keywords for this article:
fever fruit, fruit rich in fiber, fruits that contain vitamin E, accelerate blood circulation, Fruit for health, how to improve blood circulation, fever Fruit, how to accelerate blood circulation, good for digestion fruit, fruits that contain lots of fiber
Below we can see the nutritional content and healthy benefits of some types of fruit are many around us:
* Tomatoes contain vitamins A, B1 and C.
* Tomatoes can help cleanse the liver and blood.
and can prevent various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Bleeding gums.
- Night blindness / kotok chicken.
- Blood clots.
- Appendicitis.
- Prostate cancer and breast cancer.
* Papaya contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Papaya can help break down dietary fiber in the digestive system, digestive tract launched.
and can cope with or treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Heals wounds.
- Eliminate the infection.
- Eliminate allergies
* Bananas contain vitamins A, B1, B2 and C.
* Bananas can help reduce stomach acid.
* Bananas can help maintain water balance in the body.
bananas can cope with or treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Disorders of the stomach.
- Heart disease and stroke
- Stress
- cholesterol levels in the blood.
* Mango contains vitamin A, E and C.
* Mango can act as a disinfectant and to cleanse the blood.
jg mango can cope with or treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Body odor / dd / bad body odor.
- Reduce body heat during a fever.
* Strawberries contains provitamin A, vitamin B1, B and C.
* Stobery substances contain antioxidants to fight free radicals.
strawberries have utility / other health functions such as:
- Treat the health problems of the urinary bladder.
- Being anti virus
- To be anti-cancer
6. Apple
* Apple contains vitamins A, B and C.
* Aple can help lower blood cholesterol levels.
apples have utility / other health functions such as:
- Be the anti-cancer agent.
- Reduce appetite is too big.
7. Citrus fruit
* Oranges contain vitamin A, B1, B2 and C.
* Oranges containing anticancer for the body.
jg oranges can prevent and treat various diseases and other health problems such as:
- Treating thrush.
- Reduce the risk of cardiovascular, cancer, and cataracts.
* Pear contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Pear contains anti-oxidants are good for health.
pear can prevent a variety of diseases and other health problems such as:
- Reduce fever / hot body.
- Diluting and eliminating phlegm to cough up phlegm.
* Guava contains vitamin C which is very much.
* Guava contain antioxidant and anticancer agents.
guava have utility / other health functions such as:
- Lowers blood cholesterol levels
- Treat the infection.
- Keep treating canker sores.
- Improving blood circulation.
- Launched the digestive tract.
- Preventing constipation.
* Watermelon contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Watermelon can be hypo-allergenic.
watermelon have utility / other health functions such as:
- Lowers cholesterol levels.
- Prevent and restrain a heart attack.
* Melon contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Melon contains anti-cancer and anti-oxidant.
melons have utility / other health functions such as:
- Prevent blood clot.
- Cleanse the skin.
- Menlancarkan digestive tract.
- Kolestrerol levels.
* Carrots are rich in vitamin A.
* Carrots good for maintaining eye health.
jg carrots have utility / other health functions such as:
- Boost immunity and physical endurance.
- Keeping the heart healthy.
* Star fruit contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
* Starfruit can help facilitate digestion of food.
starfruit have utility / other health functions such as:
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Reduce levels / levels of cholesterol in the body.
Healthy naturally without chemicals?? buah2an fresh solution!!
Keywords for this article:
fever fruit, fruit rich in fiber, fruits that contain vitamin E, accelerate blood circulation, Fruit for health, how to improve blood circulation, fever Fruit, how to accelerate blood circulation, good for digestion fruit, fruits that contain lots of fiber
Monday, May 27, 2013
Fruit Antidotes Cholesterol
Various studies have shown that a balanced diet coupled with an active lifestyle and intake of fruit and vegetables will be able to lower high cholesterol; decrease obesity, and blood pressure. Among so many food-related health, let's get acquainted with a rich three benefits.
Besides containing antioxidants vitamin C (an antioxidant and some flavonoids) are quite high, including strawberry fruit that is rich in soluble fiber that lowers LDL cholesterol levels. Eating strawberries regularly can further lower blood pressure because they contain potassium and magnesium.
Dark purple fruit bluish is known to have the highest antioxidant content among all the fresh fruits. Antioxidants such as blueberries, anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin E (tocoferol), and vitamin A. The content that helps fight bad cholesterol. Blueberries are also rich in vitamin K, which is good for bone health and manganese (Mn), which together with vitamin C to help ward off free radicals.
Dark wine contains many antioxidants, such as karotenoida. It should be noted, most of the fruit wine is rich in antioxidants is the skin and seeds. Consume on a regular basis would be very useful to scavenge free radicals and reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, HDL.
Besides containing antioxidants vitamin C (an antioxidant and some flavonoids) are quite high, including strawberry fruit that is rich in soluble fiber that lowers LDL cholesterol levels. Eating strawberries regularly can further lower blood pressure because they contain potassium and magnesium.
Dark purple fruit bluish is known to have the highest antioxidant content among all the fresh fruits. Antioxidants such as blueberries, anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin E (tocoferol), and vitamin A. The content that helps fight bad cholesterol. Blueberries are also rich in vitamin K, which is good for bone health and manganese (Mn), which together with vitamin C to help ward off free radicals.
Dark wine contains many antioxidants, such as karotenoida. It should be noted, most of the fruit wine is rich in antioxidants is the skin and seeds. Consume on a regular basis would be very useful to scavenge free radicals and reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, HDL.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Vigilant Computer Vision Syndrome
As a career woman and active, your eyes almost certainly never out of a computer screen for hours. At lunch, on the road or at home is sometimes still busy with a smart phone, tab, or your notebook. However, there is also a limit your eyes 'it works'. The following symptoms indicate your eyes need special attention:
- Easy red eyes, stinging, watery
- Dry eyes
- Eyes feel tired
- The eyelids or forehead feels heavy
- Easy headache or migraine
- Pain in shoulder
If you have any of these symptoms by dr. Rini Mahendrastari SPM likely you mengindap Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS is due to complaints of eye and vision work using computers for too long. This is due to you working with poor lighting, incorrect posture at the computer, and less flicker.
Before this happens it is worse or before you have done to prevent it from current CVS. dr. Rini advised to take her eyes off the monitor screen 10 to 15 minutes while working in front of the monitor and see objects that are far away + / - for 10 seconds. Or to stretch the muscles and nerves that are not rigid. Which is important not to set the lighting to keep it bright and set the 90-degree sitting position in front of the computer and the computer screen eye distance of approximately 50-75 cm.
Some factors that may increase the likelihood of CVS, including vision problems are too focused on one view, dry eyes, staring at a computer screen for too long, bad lighting, bad posture and even the angle that is not right.
Another factor that is likely to cause CVS could be due to the use of glasses and contact lenses. And, nearly 71 percent of the people reported symptoms of CVS occur because of wearing glasses or contact lenses with the wrong prescription.
However, if you feel your computer screen makes my eyes feel sore and tired, here are some guidelines to help alleviate the symptoms:
Regular eye health check
If indeed you are a patient eye minus or plus, make sure your glasses or contact lenses that you use is really comfortable to wear. Requested in accordance with the conditions prescribed eye health, so that when you use a computer you can feel comfortable being in front of the screen.
Repositioning computer
The screen should be positioned right in front of your face, not in addition. Position the monitor so that its center is 4 to 8 inches below your eye, allowing the neck to relax.
Follow these guidelines for good posture
This will reduce the strain on the neck, back and shoulders.
Reduce glare
Installing an anti-glare filter on the monitor can be adjusted as needed. You can also adjust the window shades and change the display contrast and brightness can help reduce glare and reflections.
Prepare eyedrops
Eye drops can prevent dry eyes. If that does not work, consider using lubricating eye drops.
Do not spend too much time in front of a computer screen. Occasionally do some stretching exercises that can take my eyes off the screen. Could stand for a moment, stretch or just looking into the distance, away from the computer, every 15 minutes or so to give the eyes a break.
Clean regularly monitor
Dust can reduce the sharpness of the display, making the eyes work harder. For that, try to regularly clean the monitor.
10 Beauty Myths
Good advice that has come down through the generations as well as differences in the info about beauty being delivered repeatedly turned uncertain truth. Because of this, see the following article so that you know for sure which fact and fiction.
Myth # 1. Red wine good for skin beauty.
True. This fermented beverage rich in antioxidants and polyphenols that protect against free radicals in the body and help prevent the onset of symptoms of aging. Another way? Mix a glass of red wine in a basin of warm water, and use it to soak your hands and feet before a manicure pedicure. Skin will be softer.
Myth # 2. Consumption of chocolate makes skin breakouts.
Wrong. Based on research, there is no scientific results prove that there is a link between chocolate consumption with acne. Indeed, it became the trigger is hormonal conditions of each individual as well as the pattern cleansing.
Myth # 3. Dark circles around the eyes from lack of sleep.
True. By the time you lack sleep, blood vessels in the area under the eyes to swell, so the red color changed to blue. This is what makes dark circles look darker than usual. Therefore, make it a habit to keep the portion of sleep, at least six hours. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Myth # 4. Using makeup tools together, will spread the bacteria
True. According to the dermatologist, although small ineksinya risk, the type of makeup that often come into contact with saliva and moisture is being 'comfortable' for bacteria to nest. So, try to stop the habit and routine cleaning.
Myth # 5. The higher the SPF, the higher the skin protection obtained.
Wrong. SPF number on sunscreens only listed shows how long a person will be protected from sun exposure before burning his skin. If you just go out, please wear sunscreen that contains at least SPF 15 and apply again after about 6 hours.
Myth # 6. Wash your face with cold water to minimize pores.
Wrong. More precisely restore your skin pores to its original size. What can be done is disguise zoom to treat skin using gentle cleansers and do berkandungan exfoliation process with products containing alpha hydroxy acid or salicylic acid at least 1-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells that accumulate in the skin pores.
Myth # 7. Good facial care routine should consist of three steps.
Wrong. Cleanse, tone, moisturize. According dematolog, simply wash face with cleanser without having to apply a toner. Quality cleanser that helps clean your face with water only. Feel comfortable with the three rites? Choose a good toner, which is labeled anti-irritant and alcohol-free.
Myth # 8. Oily skin does not need moisturizer.
Wrong. The main purpose is to moisturize skin moisturizer. So, even if your skin produces excess oil, you still need the nutrients that still looks smooth and soft. To that end, avoid solid textured product, choose a light textured and made of water-based materials, 'water-based'. Generally, in the market, a water-based moisturizer is available in a lotion texture. In addition, you should also choose a moisturizer that is specially formulated for oily skin, a moisturizer that is labeled 'oil-free' and 'oil-control'.
Myth # 9. Sleep on one side causing wrinkles.
True. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) confirmed the fact that certain sleeping position repeatedly can create wrinkles. Sleeping on the one hand lead to wrinkles around the cheek area and chin, while sleeping face down trigger wrinkles in between the eyebrows. Although it does not happen in a short time, the AAD recommends that you get used to sleep on your back every day.
Myth # 10. Keing aggravate skin wrinkles on the face.
True. On dry skin conditions, free radicals and other substances to attack the negative external layer of the skin. Gradually this will cause the collagen and elastin which keep skin elasticity role, reduced ability. If it happens, it becomes wrinkled. (F)
Sources: femina
Always make Faces Fresh Appear
Drink plenty of water, sleep 10 hours a day and exercise is the best thing to do. But not everyone is capable of doing that, although it is recognized that life is not always perfect. Some of you are a career woman who may be working hard, who are forced to socialize late into the night and did not have much time to rest. In the morning was often wake up and wonder to myself, why is your face dull and not fresh. There is no cosmetic that can juggle your face sagging into tight like a teenager. However, there are special tip tip that can make the face appear prima remained throughout the day.
One particular tip that is massaged or facial massage, which was able to stimulate the blood circulation around the skin, and a jug increase nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. you can feel the results instantly. Massage your face with your fingers and for around the eyes, use the ring finger, because this area is very sensitive. As a support to the massage, you used to use aromatherapy oils esensiatau that usually have separate and specially formulated for dry skin, normal and oily. You can also do facial massage using pressure on specific points on the face are also called pressure-point. This massage is very effective in improving the energy in your body and be able to give a feeling of instant fit. How:
1. Using your fingers, gently press the edges of the nose, the right or left between your eyes, then slowly rises to the eyebrows.
2. Take a point on the inside of your eyebrows. Then the perlhan press Teru along the line up to the outside.
3. Add the pressure on the outer edge of your eye, then to the temples.
4. Now down to the bottom of the eye at the center of the cheek. While executing the search radius to the center of your cheeks, add pressure.
5. Proceed to your mouth around. Take a point on the upper lip, added tekananya, then gently run your fingers up to the outer edge of your chin. Press slowly at this point.
Combine the above motion massage with a moisturizer that can improve blood circulation around your face and see results quickly. Choose a moisturizer that contains oxygen, because the particles in the cream can improve circulation. As with any massage, oxygen content can stimulate cells to work more efficiently and improve blood circulation.
Who would not be happy if you thought 5 years younger because the skin fresh and glowing? Follow these tricks and say goodbye to dull skin.
1. Refresh skin with bath
Good hot bath to open the pores and improve blood circulation. But should be no more than 5 minutes because the body's natural oils can go wasted and the skin becomes dry and rough. Rinse the body with cold water to close the pores.
2. Use bath products are free of chemicals
Choose a moisturizer containing bath products. Liquid soaps are made from natural or gel form either to restore tired skin. Interspersed with a light massage on the soap that contains moisturizers can be absorbed into the skin perfectly.
3. Wear a moisturizer according to skin type
Moisturizers containing water (water based) is best used in a tropical climate. Note the content of other support that can increase the water content in the skin cells (humenctant) such as glycerin, urea, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, collagen, protein, amino acids, glucose and glycogen. For oily skin, choose a moisturizer that is oil free because the content of excess oil can clog pores and cause acne. As for the owners tend to dry skin, a moisturizer with oil content of olive, jojoba oil, or avocado nutrition must try to enrich the skin. Moreover, jojoba oil has the advantage will not clog pores. Do not let the wrong choice.
4. Refine your skin protector
Moisture alone is not enough. When out for a lunch meeting, the skin can be exposed to sunlight and wracked by free radicals either directly or indirectly. So, always choose a product that contains at least SPF 30 to ward off the onset of skin problems such as blemishes and premature wrinkles.
5. Enable ritual use night cream before bed
While sleeping, the skin regeneration process most optimal experience. But if we sleep in the air conditioned room, the skin tends to lose moisture. Therefore, choose a night cream as needed in order to regenerate facial skin effectively integrated. Do not forget the hands and feet body skin, wear hand & body lotion before bedtime to minimize moisture that is lost during sleep.
6. Do not wash your face too often
It will also contribute to dry skin menebabkan. Instead, use a face wash soap in the evening when the activity is completed, not during the morning. Instead, wash your face with cold water to maintain the skin's natural oils.
7. Give more attention to the mask skin
In order to look fresh and not dull, the skin needs extra care process. Do the masks before the morning shower. Put your favorite music and aromatherapy candles turn on according to your mood. Guaranteed, whatever your weekend agenda will look beautiful fresh glow.
source: tipswanita
One particular tip that is massaged or facial massage, which was able to stimulate the blood circulation around the skin, and a jug increase nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. you can feel the results instantly. Massage your face with your fingers and for around the eyes, use the ring finger, because this area is very sensitive. As a support to the massage, you used to use aromatherapy oils esensiatau that usually have separate and specially formulated for dry skin, normal and oily. You can also do facial massage using pressure on specific points on the face are also called pressure-point. This massage is very effective in improving the energy in your body and be able to give a feeling of instant fit. How:
1. Using your fingers, gently press the edges of the nose, the right or left between your eyes, then slowly rises to the eyebrows.
2. Take a point on the inside of your eyebrows. Then the perlhan press Teru along the line up to the outside.
3. Add the pressure on the outer edge of your eye, then to the temples.
4. Now down to the bottom of the eye at the center of the cheek. While executing the search radius to the center of your cheeks, add pressure.
5. Proceed to your mouth around. Take a point on the upper lip, added tekananya, then gently run your fingers up to the outer edge of your chin. Press slowly at this point.
Combine the above motion massage with a moisturizer that can improve blood circulation around your face and see results quickly. Choose a moisturizer that contains oxygen, because the particles in the cream can improve circulation. As with any massage, oxygen content can stimulate cells to work more efficiently and improve blood circulation.
Who would not be happy if you thought 5 years younger because the skin fresh and glowing? Follow these tricks and say goodbye to dull skin.
1. Refresh skin with bath
Good hot bath to open the pores and improve blood circulation. But should be no more than 5 minutes because the body's natural oils can go wasted and the skin becomes dry and rough. Rinse the body with cold water to close the pores.
2. Use bath products are free of chemicals
Choose a moisturizer containing bath products. Liquid soaps are made from natural or gel form either to restore tired skin. Interspersed with a light massage on the soap that contains moisturizers can be absorbed into the skin perfectly.
3. Wear a moisturizer according to skin type
Moisturizers containing water (water based) is best used in a tropical climate. Note the content of other support that can increase the water content in the skin cells (humenctant) such as glycerin, urea, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, collagen, protein, amino acids, glucose and glycogen. For oily skin, choose a moisturizer that is oil free because the content of excess oil can clog pores and cause acne. As for the owners tend to dry skin, a moisturizer with oil content of olive, jojoba oil, or avocado nutrition must try to enrich the skin. Moreover, jojoba oil has the advantage will not clog pores. Do not let the wrong choice.
4. Refine your skin protector
Moisture alone is not enough. When out for a lunch meeting, the skin can be exposed to sunlight and wracked by free radicals either directly or indirectly. So, always choose a product that contains at least SPF 30 to ward off the onset of skin problems such as blemishes and premature wrinkles.
5. Enable ritual use night cream before bed
While sleeping, the skin regeneration process most optimal experience. But if we sleep in the air conditioned room, the skin tends to lose moisture. Therefore, choose a night cream as needed in order to regenerate facial skin effectively integrated. Do not forget the hands and feet body skin, wear hand & body lotion before bedtime to minimize moisture that is lost during sleep.
6. Do not wash your face too often
It will also contribute to dry skin menebabkan. Instead, use a face wash soap in the evening when the activity is completed, not during the morning. Instead, wash your face with cold water to maintain the skin's natural oils.
7. Give more attention to the mask skin
In order to look fresh and not dull, the skin needs extra care process. Do the masks before the morning shower. Put your favorite music and aromatherapy candles turn on according to your mood. Guaranteed, whatever your weekend agenda will look beautiful fresh glow.
source: tipswanita
Sunday, May 12, 2013
9 Intelligence Children Parents Need to Know
Intelligence of children is not only measured by the size of the IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Every child has the intelligence compound, the intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional intelligence (Emotional Quotient / EQ). According to Howard Gardner, one of the professors educators and researchers from Harvard University USA, there are 9 aspects of a child's intelligence. The term that we often hear is multiple intelligences.
What are the intelligence that consists of 9 criteria of the multiple intelligences?
1. Musical intelligence
The intelligence indicated the child easy to follow and remember the song. How to train is by listening to music and singing. Teaching children to sing simple songs as they age. Doing the job with singing, such as bathing and getting up early.
2. Intrapersonal Intelligence
Associated with endurance ability, not easy to down, persistent effort, not inferior. for example, when following the race, appeared publicly. Is to teach children how to train him to get used to being in a group and interact with friends - their peers.
3.Kecerdasan interpersonal (social)
Intelligence is related to the child's ability to adapt, work, relationships with peers and the environment around it. How to train it is to give your child a chance to hang out together often accompanied by friends - peers, play and communicate with children his age.
4. Visual-spatial intelligence
Intelligence is related to the ability to understand the perspective of space. Ie the child is able to differentiate position and location as well as imagined space, in right, left, top, bottom, front, back and sides.
How to train it is any activity related to position or a parent should always citing, eg: Please dong, his brother put on the table, or sister please get me a book that falls under the table. Specify the location of the room, teach your child folding, cutting, turning and drawing.
5. Natural intelligence (natural)
Children are introduced to the environment than men, animals, plants and diverse natural environment, for example, encourage children to occasionally feed on fish or to the zoo, visiting the parks flora and play in the open.
6. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
Children have the ability to perform activities that involve movement of the body when the body eg praying, drawing, jumping, running and sports that move your body, dance, gymnastics and so on. How to encourage children to exercise melatihnnya crossed out and drawing lines, circles, doing gymnastics and dance movements.
7. Moral intelligence
Namely child's sensitivity to pervasive compliance in good behavior, for example, know to say thank you, sorry, excuse me and distinguish good and bad deeds, can refrain from committing an offense against decency ordinances. The trick is to train in group play and perform regulatory rules in the game, teach children to understand and obey simple rules such as playing hide and seek.
8. Verbal linguistic intelligence
Children can speak and tell of an incident that saw the easy, well-strung and chronological events not jumped up and down. How to train is in the womb and after birth the child is often invited to carry on a conversation, talking with parents, playmates, tell tales and sing children - children.
9. Logical-mathematical intelligence
This intelligence is related to the child's ability to understand and solve problems related to the simple theory of numbers. Is to teach children how to train a group of toys owned, calculate and distribute fruit snacks and mention the amount given, classifying objects such as dice-colored toys, toys shaped fruits and flowers.
Every child is born unique
If you encounter difficulties with the stages of child development, maternal child should discuss with your doctor or midwife may also have had training for KPSP, oya this KPSP Pre Screening Questionnaire Development. There are several tools and instruments are also questionnaires to measure it according to the age and developmental stage.
Every child is born unique and ready to receive stimulation of multiple intelligences that we give in the golden age of growth, especially from birth to age 2 years. With proper stimulation intelligence in a healthy balanced nutritional support for Toddlers, will help each child to develop according to the stages.
Internal and external factors are also very influential, therefore keep kids healthy during the growing period, meet the need for love and security. Sure there are protruding from each of the nine children of multiple intelligences in a child someday, but as parents we are trying to develop at the age ninth CHILDREN
Congratulations accompany beloved children and do not forget to continue to stimulate multiple intelligences for children - healthy child grow and develop with age.
May be useful
What are the Determinants of Children's Intelligence?
Every parent would want to have an intelligent and healthy children. Provide optimal nutrition is one way. But exactly what are the factors that affect children's intelligence?
Nutritionists from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Saptawati Bardosono said, there are many factors that affect a child's intelligence including nutrition. "It's no secret, good nutrition is the key to the child's intelligence. Yet it is not the only one," he said on the sidelines of the Dancow Parenting Centre on Thursday (01/31/2013) in Jakarta.
In general, he added, there are two factors that affect children's intelligence in general, namely internal and external factors. Internal factors are genetic factors, while external factors are environmental, including nutrition, stimulation, physical activity, and health maintenance efforts.
"That's why there are children who may be less well nourished but still smart," said the doctor with Tati's familiar greeting.
He explained that, although the two factors were equally influential, but internal factors that genetic factors have a relatively small contribution which is only about 5 percent. While the factors that play a role eksternallah large at around 95 percent.
"So it is not impossible that their parents are less intelligent, but his son was smart," he said.
Questioning the phrase, "if you want smart children, his mother also have to be smart", Saptawati said it is true. Therefore, the body of a mother-child was "deposited" in the womb. However, that does not mean the father has no role in shaping the baby's intelligence. "You can make healthy and intelligent children were not separated from the role of fathers who take care of his wife during pregnancy. And of course taking care of the child when the child is born," he explained.
Intelligence of children, said Saptawati, also rely heavily on the first 1,000 days of life, in the time in the womb until the age of five. Therefore, to form a bright child, there needs to be a persiapanan from parents since the beginning of planning a pregnancy, he concluded.
Source :
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Powerful Ways to Overcome Whitish
Overcoming Whitish is actually a natural thing when it occurs in a particular saat2. Because adult female vagina contains normal flora called Basil Döderlein. Basil Döderlein are good bacteria, meaning the bacteria that makes the vaginal environment becomes acidic and serves as a protection against possible infections that occur due to various factors, such as fungal infections, bacteria, viruses, etc.. In addition, vaginal discharge which also serves as protection against a variety of infections.
The nature of the normal fluid is usually watery, odorless, and does not cause itching. This is called vaginal discharge physiological (normal). Normal vaginal discharge occurs only when - certain times, for example: before menstruation, after menstruation, when fatigue, emotional stress, or when sexually aroused (during intercourse).
Meanwhile, abnormal vaginal discharge or abnormal, the nature of viscous fluid or mucus, milk white, yellow, or greenish, which carries sensation odor, and itching.
Discharge can be caused by many factors, including: malnutrition, lack of hygiene resulting in a proliferation of fungi or parasites. Besides it can also be caused by certain objects that intentionally or not inserted into the vagina like a tampon or konntrasepsi tool.
Cause of vaginal discharge caused by fungi or parasites can be divided into three (3) groups, among others:
1. Candidiasis
Vaginal discharge caused by the fungus Candida grows in the vagina. Fungi can grow faster if the vaginal environment lambab. Signs that usually arise as between the other: itching around the vagina and mucus like condensed milk, white. That's why pregnant women and those who suffer from diabetes often experience this kind of whitish.
2. Trichomoniasis
Vaginal discharge is caused by a parasitic infection. It can also be transmitted through unprotected sex couples suffering from trichomonas parasite. Character trait mucus is yellowish, slightly viscous
3. Bacteria Vaginosis
Vaginal discharge is caused by bacteria usually cause a fishy smell pungent, slightly greenish yellow color. Generally this type of vaginal discharge is also called vaginosis.
Ways to prevent or treat vaginal discharge is actually very simple, namely to maintain the cleanliness of the area around the vagina. From the results of studies in several cities in Indonesia, a lot of women who are infected with a fungus of a public bathroom toilet, either gayungnya, or water contaminated with fungal candidiasis Therefore, we need to be careful when using a public bathroom facilities.
Here are some practical steps to address the discharge of which:
Ensure cleanliness. Wash hands before and after touching the property.
Use clothing that is not too tight, of materials that absorb sweat and heat, his msl cotton, as well as changing underwear regularly.
Frequently changing pads during menstruation. Pebalut wet and worn for too long can be a nest of germs or germs.
Manggunakan habit of rubbing a towel with the back to the front which allows the transfer of germs from the rectum or anus into the vaginal canal. So get used to using a towel from front to back so that germs do not enter the vagina.
You can also use a vaginal douche or wash the vagina as laktasid to restore the acid levels in the vagina. However, avoid excessive consumption because it can kill "good" bacteria in the vagina Döderlein bacteria.
Whitish treat
Abnormal vaginal discharge or fisilogis not require treatment. But if the discharge is caused by an allergy, treat vaginal discharge just by avoiding allergens. With so white will heal by itself.
While vaginal discharge caused by germs do require treatment according to the cause. Doctors usually prescribe a similar drug combination anti-fungal, parasites, and bacteria. Types of medications are available there are two types of drugs are put directly into the vagina (suppository) or the type of medication taken tablets (oral medication or pill).
Some people tend to use betel leaf boiled water to treat vaginal discharge. In fact, there are also consuming pomegranate seeds to cope with whitish. Whitish traditional treatment methods, can be effective for normal vaginal discharge, which serves traditional medicine as an antiseptic and suppresses the production of mucus. However, betel leaves or other traditional ingredients does not have the effect of killing bacteria (antibiotics), so that for the case of pathological vaginal discharge / caused by certain germs (fungi, viruses, or bacteria) traditional medicine can not solve the problem, so it still requires drug therapy - drugs so that bacteria does not continue to grow.
Choose Toys For Children Under Age Smart
Toys became one form of stimulation for children. Giving the right toy to help maximize stimulation for the child's intelligence. Unfortunately, not many parents are aware of how to choose the right toy for her baby.
According to pediatrician dr.Atilla Dewanti Sp.A (K), the selection of toys depends on the ability and needs of the child. At the seminar in Early Infant Stimulation to Develop Multiple Inteligences in Jakarta, Saturday (20/4), Atilla encourage parents to choose toys based on the age of the child.
At 0-3 months of age, parents are advised to choose toys that are colorful, bright, flat, and stimulates motor activity. This is because the eyes of children 0-3 months can not be seen clearly. Choice of bright colors will stimulate vision and toys to help him see more clearly.
Moving the age of 6 months, toys that can be bitten (teethers) may be an option. This toy to stimulate the growth of teeth. Parents can also choose toys with buttons that can be pressed or textured to stimulate motor skills. At this age, children begin to love baths, a parent can give a toy that can float to accompany the event.
"If the child is still small, eg 6 months, do not put toys in his bed. Son will be dizzy especially when the toy moves," said Atilla.
Entering the age of 6-9 months can be given toys that kids can roll, to stimulate motor skills. In the 9-12 age toys that stimulate interaction, eg hand puppets of choice. Through toys, children are invited to communicate which will stimulate the ability to speak and express themselves.
At 1 year of age can parents begin to choose outdoor toys, such as horse riding or mini pool. Toys that stimulate hand-eye coordination as a small organ or an alternative stacking tower.
Books and puzzle began to be introduced at the age of 2 years. This puzzle should not be more than 10-15 pieces. toys that stimulate the imagination and hand-eye coordination, eg fairy dolls, mini tractor, or bowling monsters could be given.
When a child enters the age of 3 years, crayons could be an option. doodles became mandatory activities that stimulate fine motor skills. "Toys should be age-appropriate. Yet more importantly make sure that parents are always there to play with her children near," said Atilla.
If his son is still small, eg 6 months, do not put toys on her bed. dizziness, especially if children will be moving toys
Negative Thoughts Can Be Contagious
Environmental factors play a considerable part in influencing the way we assess and respond to something. That is why it becomes important to carefully choose the environment of friendship. A new study says even about the way people respond to bad events, both positive and negative, can be contagious.
Someone who is in transition, such as from adolescence to adulthood, assessed more easily influenced by the thinking of people in the vicinity. The study, published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science also said, negative thoughts will increase the risk of depression.
The researchers analyzed the 103 pairs of new students who occupy the same room. At that age they are considered to have a greater tendency of contracting negative thoughts or the so-called cognitive vulnerability. The study found that those who had high cognitive vulnerability tends to increase the risk of depression.
"We found the study participants' cognitive vulnerability is significantly influenced by his roommate, so are better," wrote the researchers. Roommates involved in the study were randomly selected, rather than determined by the student. Only three months after their stay in the same room, this transmission occurs.
The researchers also found that those who experienced an increase in cognitive vulnerability for three months, had increased levels of depressive symptoms as well. The increase in the level of depressive symptoms experienced is almost double compared to those who did not experience an increase in cognitive vulnerability.
Prior to this study, the researchers considered the cognitive vulnerability does not change much after a person passes through early adolescence. But the new findings show that when someone is in a transition period can have a change of cognitive vulnerability.
In addition to the environment, the researchers noted there are other factors that affect cognitive vulnerability, namely genetic and biological factors.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Supplements Harmful if False Use
Supplements in various forms to obtain the "perfect" body spreads in the market. Customers are not only athletes, but also the general public. Without knowing how to use the right supplements can be considered doping and harm the body.
Sports specialist, Michael Triangto, Monday (6/5) in Jakarta, explained, the actual supplement is additional food to fill the deficiency in the body. Diverse forms and functions.
"There is in the form of tablets, capsules, powders such as milk, and others. Its function is also all kinds, including to increase muscle, lose weight, and increase energy, "said Michael.
According to Michael, who became a doctor experienced in Indonesian badminton national training, the desire to have a beautiful body shape occurred among the general public. To expedite the process, supplements be one option.
However, there are several factors that must be considered before the supplement is consumed, one of which the user should pay attention to the condition of his own body. Supplements can only be used by someone with a healthy physical condition.
"Those who are ill should consult with your doctor because it could be a substance in the supplement actually aggravate the pain," said Michael.
Supplement users should also read the detailed instructions in the box. Michael even suggested, a new user should reduce the dose of the recommended. "Generally, the dose supplements in packaging is for consumer Westerners was bigger than the people of Indonesia. Posture also affects the dose should be consumed, "said Michael.
Without the proper dosage, the negative effects will show up in continuous use, such as baldness, kidney and liver malfunction, heart attack, vision impaired, as well as brain and nerve disorders.
Therefore, the use of supplements would be better if accompanied by the doctor's instructions. "Do not follow the instructions your friends or relatives who had been taking because it could have a different effect," said Michael.
Moreover, as stated by other sports doctors, Roy Tobias, a lot of muscle mass forming supplement that is not registered and does not have a permit from the Agency for Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The seller argued supplements, their merchandise has been registered at the Food and Drug Association registered in the United States or other developed countries.
"Consumers should be wary of supplements that are not listed in the FDA. Often not all content is written honestly supplements. There are substances included anabolic steroids, but not written, "said Roy.
Use large amounts for athletes can be seen the negative effects within three to four years. For people who do not regularly use, the negative effects will be felt in 20-30 years.
FDA chief S Lucky Slamet said it did not directly supervise the substances, particularly steroids, are abused. According to him, the FDA only monitors the material and may not be used in a product.
In the sports world, the Anti-doping Agency of Indonesia (LADI), as the representative of the Agency for the World Anti-doping (WADA), plays an important role in maintaining sportsmanship. They also have to protect athletes from the use of illicit substances.
However, its implementation was not easy. "The rules of WADA is already clear. Operating budget shortfall to carry out surveillance tasks become the biggest obstacle this institution, "said Chairman Dr. Dwi Hatmisari LADI Ambarukmi.
Dwi explained, LADI role is important because it is responsible for overseeing the use of WADA banned substance list. List of substances that are always updated every year to handle LADI and doping control laboratories worldwide to determine the validity of the athlete's performance.
10 Food Cause Sleep Hard
Do not always blame stress as a cause of sleeplessness. What we eat and drink is actually also affect the sleep disorder affects many people now more modern. Know what kind of intake should be avoided, especially if you often feel troubled eyes closed at night.
Here are 10 foods that should be avoided before bedtime to avoid sleeplessness disorder.
1. Caffeine
Caffeine may be good to be a friend start the day, but not to close the day. Caffeine can stimulate the nerves, causing an increase in the movement of extra energy. If you need caffeine, make sure you do it up to 4 hours before bedtime.
2. Alcohol
Alcohol can disrupt sleep and cause waking in between hours of sleep. Consequently, sleep becomes qualified.
3. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains a compound theobromine, phenylethylamine, and anadamin that can stimulate the heart beat more strongly it should be avoided before bedtime.
4. High fat foods
This food will go the extra mile to make digestion before bed. If you force yourself to sleep after eating these foods, there will be an increased risk of heartburn, the stomach acids back up into the esophagus.
5. Red meat
Red meat also causes digestion extra work. If you need the intake of protein, you should replace it with other protein sources such as yogurt more digestible.
6. Tuck
Chocolate cake, cookies, and other sugary foods will raise blood sugar so that the body becomes more energized.
7. Spicy foods
Despite having healing benefits, spicy foods can make heartburn that keeps us up at night.
8. Ice cream
Ice cream can increase blood sugar levels that stimulate the brain to stay awake. In addition, if not immediately used, blood sugar will be stored by the body as fat.
9. Vegetable
Green leafy vegetables are diuretics that cause the body to relieve himself. If you have to go back and forth to the toilet to urinate, of sleep was so disturbed.
10. Oat
Oats contain compounds that melatonin is actually good for sleep, but high soluble fiber in oats have the opposite effect.
Precisely Diet Makes Big Appetite Add
Often when we are in a weight loss program by limiting food intake, we just feel more excited at the sight of the foods that are not healthy. It turns out this phenomenon commonly experienced by those who are strictly limiting calories.
Research from the Oregon Research Institute (ORI) found that limiting the number of calories you eat will actually make increased appetite, especially for unhealthy foods. The longer you restrict eat, the more food you eat afterwards.
ORI senior researcher Dr. Eric Stice said, these results are unique because the first show calorie restriction has an impact on a particular area of the brain that is more tempted to good food.
Stice and colleagues examined two groups of teenagers who go on a diet. The teens confessed to limit the amount of calories they consume.
The researchers used brain imaging paradigm to monitor the activity going on inside the brain. Thirty-four participants who were in the first group was shown some pictures of the food. The result there is a real surge in activity in their brains when shown pictures of food are good in comparison with the less tasty food.
Meanwhile, the second group consisted of 51 participants were given the same treatment. The difference is they are given the freedom to consume chocolate milkshake or a tasteless solution. Results after three to 22 hours later, those who drink milkshakes do not show a surge in over his brain when viewing pictures of food good.
"The implications of this study are very clear, that if people want to lose excess weight, would be more effective if they are still eating a healthy diet, low in fat and sugar.'s Not even not eat anything," said Stice.
Previous studies showed skipping meals and restricting calorie intake can adversely affect health. Restricting calories means limiting the nutrients your body needs to continue a healthy lifestyle.
Skipping meals can cause blood sugar levels drop severely, so that when the next meal, the blood sugar increase occurs with a sudden. It is a negative impact on health.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Signs of Children Have High Sense
In the eyes of every parent, their children and genius is a smart kid. How not, every day it seems there is only the development of the capabilities of the child. Whether it's the talking, drawing, singing, or tinkering with gadgets.
In fact, most children can only be called a genius or gifted at school age. Even so, there are few signs at an early age which can indicate whether your child has a high intelligence.
Children aged 2-4 years may be a gifted child if he shows signs of following.
- It has special talents, such as artistic ability or in terms of numbers. For example, children are able to draw something with a very clear or easy to remember numbers.
- Achieving developmental milestones (milestone) earlier than the friends of his age.
- Excellent language skills, such as being able to speak in complete sentences earlier than their peers.
- Have a high curiosity and never tired of asking questions.
- Very active (although not hyperactive). Hyperactive child who has only a low concentration range, while a gifted child is able to concentrate on one thing for a long time. He also has a strong desire on the things that interest and love doing activities difficult.
- Have a vivid imagination. Gifted children often create imaginary friends.
- Being able to remember things easily and recounted what he had learned from books, TV, or movies they watch.
Signs of other gifted children may be rather difficult to see. There are some talented kids who have realized they are "different" from their peers. It can make them feel isolated and subjected to bullying.
Children whose genius also often experience frustration because they are able to think faster than what they can express, either verbally or physically.
Aptitude test
Although parents often wonder if their child has a high intelligence, most children do not need talent test before they enter elementary school.
However, experts recommend that children be brought consulted if they seem bored or emotional disorder symptoms, such as looking anxious, refused to participate in school activities, or frequent nightmares.
Test the level of intelligence (IQ) of children can be done since they were 3 years old. In addition to IQ tests, aptitude tests can also be done. Children who had IQ levels of 130 or more were categorized as child genius. Average intelligence level is 85-115.
However, it must be understood that the current IQ is just one factor of many other factors before determining whether children called gifted.
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