Thursday, June 6, 2013
Breakfast or Sports First?
Body refreshed and energized throughout the day can be achieved by exercising in the morning. But breakfast is also necessary to obtain optimal energy. So which one is more beneficial, do breakfast or exercise first?
Several studies have found that eating before exercise can provide energy during exercise. After breakfast is a better time to do a more intense exercise because the body has the energy to do the exercise with full capacity.
A new study published in the journal International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism reveals eating salty foods before exercise to prevent dehydration during exercise the body. This is because salty foods can contribute to the body's electrolytes are needed when the body secretes a lot of fluid.
Keeping the body to stay hydrated by consuming enough water during exercise is important to optimize sports performance. Dehydration during exercise will lead to rapid fatigue, stomach cramps one hand, even organ dysfunction.
But regardless of which must be done first, exercise and breakfast equally important to do in the morning. In fact a new study from the UK revealed eating and exercise in the morning can improve mood and memory.
The study involved 12 men who have breakfast habits and exercise in the morning. Researchers measuring the ability of the participants in processing the data, time reacting, mental fatigue, and focus.
The result of the participants had an average capability better than those who exercise but not breakfast, or breakfast but not sports.
According to the American Council on Exercise, exercise before breakfast actually okay to do. As long as the selected type of exercise is moderate exercise, such as some yoga poses and stretching.
Select Shoes Under Foot Type
When buying shoes, you should not be lulled by low prices or models that interest you. Not necessarily a trendy shoe models can provide the comfort and function according to your needs. Unfortunately, most people still pay attention to when choosing a shoe model alone, only then comfort, and foot size.
"You have to look at the need and the type of foot that is really comfortable to wear," said Arie Wijaya, Indonesia Nike Product Specialist, at the launch of Nike Free "Free Your Run" in Pulau Macan, Thousand Islands, North Jakarta, Wednesday (10/4 / 2013) then.
1. Needs
Do not be easily tempted by the variety of shoes on offer. Your needs will determine what the model and the type of shoes are suitable for use. For example, when it comes to exercise, you can not use a flat loafers or shoes ordinary.
"Loafers or flat shoes are usually made of elastic materials, especially on the front. Rigid materials make these shoes hard driven, and lead foot so lazy to move," he explained.
In addition, when I want to relax you also can not choose high heels. These shoes will make your leg muscles and tensed interested. Consequently feet so sore and tired easily.
2. Type your feet
Broadly speaking, humans have three types of feet, which is normal, flat arc and high arc. This foot type can be seen through the footprints. At the foot of the normal form, there is a clear distinction between the concave and flat sections on the palm. With normal foot size, this basin would look not too deep and in accordance with the length and width of the foot.
"The owner is suitable for normal foot wear any kind of shoes," he said.
For high arc foot type, foot basin looks very deep. This basin is the lead spacing on the right foot this basin will be very small. Arie added, as this type of foot can be caused by the use of high heels too often. High heels will support the heel of the foot to be higher. As a result, all the weight will be concentrated on the front of the foot (ball of the foot).
"You who have this type of high-risk foot injury and sprains," said Arie. This can be overcome by using a type of shoe that has a midsole (soft sole lining on the inside of shoes) with a fairly high side pads. The side bearings serve to fill the hollows legs so that the soles of his feet to be more even and balanced so it is not easy sprain.
Arc flat foot type, foot shape is characterized by a flat and full in his footsteps. This form of the foot soles of the feet as easier to feel tired because you concentrate all your weight on the foot, and the pressure to be too big foot welcome.
To fix this, you can choose a shoe that has a high flexibility and easy. Shoes with a soft lining in all of its parts will help you to feel more relaxed, thereby reducing pressure on the foot.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
30 Minute Sports Help Reduce Smoking Desire
If you are a smoker and are still looking for ways to overcome the addiction to cigarettes, the advice that this one might be considered. Take the time to exercise on a regular basis for a few minutes each day! In addition to healthy, calorie burning activities, it is also helps reduce the craving for tobacco.
Recent research scientists at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS) prove,
Physical activity is proven to reduce the tendency to smoke cigarettes, especially among teenagers. Exercising for 30 minutes can increase the chance to forget the smoking habit.
According to the study, teens who take physical education programs have more chance to not smoke. "Physical exercise routine 30 minutes, including walking for 20 minutes, was more effective than smoking refusal to friends of the gang," said researcher SPHHS, Kimberly Horn, EdD.
In this study, researchers included 233 respondents from 19 high schools in West Virginia, which is a state in the United States with the highest number of smokers. Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 13 percent of the population of West Virginia is a smoker under the age of 18 years. The respondents were daily smokers were also at risk in other negative activities. On average the respondents can suck half a pack of cigarettes per day or one pack at the weekend.
During the study period, some respondents follow the activities to stop smoking, which combined with a program of physical fitness. While another respondent smoking cessation program, which combined with a short lecture.
From the results shown, adolescents with regular physical activity proved to be more capable of reducing the smoking habit. The teens were also asked to improve or increase the exercise time. Further research is proving physical exercise 20-30 minutes per day to be the most effective time.
Tightness arising from smoking during exercise actually causes discomfort. This tightness encourage teens to reduce smoking consumption. Consumption decreased smoking actually causes a sense of relief during breathing, which helps teens finish their physical exercise.
However, further research is still needed to look at the biological and chemical relationships, between physical exercise and reduce smoking. Further research is also needed to evaluate their effectiveness in other states, and treatment for smokers of different age levels. "But we believe this study could be used for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, ie smoking cessation and exercise diligently," said Kimberly.
Source: Medical News Today /
Do not underestimate Benefits of Walking
Although impressed by the light and casual, walk turned out to be a healthy activity for a number of reasons. By walking, you can prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body by increasing the intake of oxygen and facilitates blood circulation.
Walking also strengthens bones and muscles, because the walking motion requires more than 600 muscles and 200 bones that work. It also reduces body fat, as well as effective to prevent the diseases that come with age.
Here are some facts about the way the foot:
1. Walking for 20 minutes each day will burn 7 pounds of fat per year.
2. Longer walk every day for 40 minutes is the best way to lose weight.
3. Brisk walk of 20 to 25 minutes are the best conditions for the heart and lungs.
Walking also provides the following benefits:
1. Improve effectiveness of the heart and lungs
2. Burn fat in the body
3. Increase metabolism so the body burns calories faster, even though the middle of a break
4. Helps control appetite
5. improve energy
6. Help cure stress
7. slows aging
8. Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood
9. Lowering high blood levels
10. Helps Prevent and control diabetes
11. Lower the risk of some cancers such as prostate and breast cancer
12. Assist rehabilitation of heart attack and stroke
13. Strengthen muscular legs, hips and spine
Walking is much more favored in the appeal of running or jogging because walking reduces stress on the body including the thigh, knee and ankle. Remember to always warm up beforehand and relaxation after a walk. Wear shoes that fit a little loose in the front in anticipation of widening of the foot when walking is done so as to avoid the pain.
There are a few tips to get the most benefit from walking activities, among others:
* In the morning, warm up first. Warming the body needs in order not surprised by the movement of muscles and bones, so it does not cause muscle cramps. The best time to go is early morning, before breakfast or half an hour after that.
* Runs in the morning can significantly help you lose weight because there are not many sources of energy in the body at that time. However, for people who are not in good condition, it is recommended to run in the afternoon, when the rhythm of the body reaches its peak and the body becomes flexible enough.
* Walking can also help prevent obesity. Brisk walk before dinner can burn calories in the body. As for you who suffer from insomnia, walking in the light can help you immediately sleepy.
Source: From Various Sources
"High Heels" Pain Caused An hour Once Used
For many women, high heeled shoes high heels alias is required to support the appearance of goods. In fact, this kind of shoes directly causing pain after an hour of use.
In the meantime if you wear high heels for dancing, the pain immediately after the 10 minutes of usage.
This was stated by a third of respondents in the UK. They were forced to admit in pain all night while using shoes to dance so when I got home they choose barefoot.
The survey was conducted by The College of Podiatry of 2,000 men and women, as well as 60 foot health experts (podiatrists) and therapists feet.
Podiatrists consultant Mike O'Neil of College of Podiatry legs bent warning of the dangers resulting from the use narrow shoes can cause long-term damage, including arthritis, bone fracture, and nerve kejepit, requiring surgery or steroid injections to relieve pain.
"Not denying the use of high heels make women potentially long-term injury in the name of fashion. If given the choice would be a stylish shoes or comfortable shoes, most would choose the first one," said O'Neil.
The higher and slanted heel shoes, getting pushed to the front of our body so we have to step back to balance. "This makes crooked pelvis resulting in pressure on the spinal cord," he said.
High heel shoes with a narrow tip to push the foot so that toes are compressed and can lead to ingrown nails, eyelets, or calluses. The condition can also cause the feet moist, especially if high heels are worn all day, so mold and bacteria to flourish.
"Shoes that make us walk with the palm side down can cause pain and excessive pressure. This could also lead to a tear in the joints causing arthritis," he said.
High heel shoes with more than 5 centimeters should be wary of. If you want to look taller, thicker soles are advised to use the stack, such as shoe wedges.
Although most of the complaining about the pain of high heels, but 20 percent of respondents said did not want to go to the doctor because of the pain they do not consider important.
Do not give children a wide range of Origin Supplements
Meet all the nutritional needs of children through a healthy diet is the right step and the most ideal. For parents who are concerned with children's health, you should not cower at the picky eater. Many tricks and effort you can do, other than keep trying to teach healthy eating habits, you can give a boost to supplement or multivitamin appetite enhancer.
That's just the problem with appetite, how about stamina and intelligence issues? Parent would want a healthy and smart children. To meet these needs there are many multivitamins for kids are available. Worse if you see your child is hard to eat, easily hurt, and no enthusiasm for learning, it takes all. But maybe not so much supplement feeding on the little guy, is not it?
Besides quality and reliable quality of the multivitamin, you also have to sort out the most needed smart little guy. "Parents want a smart kid and achievement. But if you have problems with appetite, it should be repaired first, "advises Noppi Surjatno, General Manager Marketing after the event" Press Conference Launching Event Photo Competition 'Millionaire Kids' ", Manhattan Fish Market, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Tuesday (27 / 11/2012) last.
When a child's nutritional needs are fulfilled properly will automatically boost the brain's ability to absorb lessons in school. Moreover endurance will be stronger against disease.
"Options multivitamin that contains lysine is appropriate for children that are difficult to eat. Usually a difficult child or a very picky eating, the body will lack the nutrients needed. Multivitamins will complete vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body of the child. Research shows a combination of lysine and vitamin B complex to boost a child's appetite, "said Noppi.
When the baby's appetite is good you will be more easily persuaded mengasup meminalisasikan properties of foods and their constituents. After the problem is resolved and you still want to give more intake on brain, Noppi suggest you can switch the child supplement that contains taurine in it. "If you want to give both of them should not be given concurrently. Could give you pause, such as for appetite morning, afternoon which adds the ability to learn."
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