Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Back Pain Can Be Triggered One Sitting Posture

Office workers spend most of their time sitting. Whether it's while in the office or on the way to the office. Lack of time to move, plus a wrong sitting posture causes office workers are prone to experience physical pains and aches.
Survey of the American Osteopathic Association stated, two of the three workers kantorkan feel physical pain in the past six months. The survey involved 1,000 U.S. office workers are at least 18 years old.
The survey results show, in the last 30 days there is 63 percent of participants who felt lower back pain, shoulder 58 percent, 33 percent in the wrist, and 31 percent in the upper back. So what causes this?
Nearly a quarter of the participants thought that the pain experienced is a common part of their job. Physicians and chiropractors AOA spokesperson Lisa DeStefano said, people spend a lot of time at the front desk that causes muscle fatigue from their posture. Though the work should not cause physical pain.

DeStefano suggest, if you spend a lot of time in front of the table, it is also important to pause every few time to rest your muscles by standing. When standing, the muscles of the leg work and the blood will flow more smoothly.

There are several things you can do to ensure good posture while working.
1. High monitors
Position the monitor at a high line with the eye. Keep your head in line with the position of the monitor to relieve neck and shoulder.
2. Distance monitor
Make sure the distance eye to your computer reaches the ideal distance is about 50 cm.
3. Elbow, forearm, wrist
Keep your elbows and upper arms parallel to the floor. Position the keyboard to the right so that you are able to achieve it by moving the elbow.
4. Sitting backs
Sit with that strapping the pelvis pulled forward so as to make the shoulder and neck muscles are more relaxed.
5. Seat
One should not lean back in the chair, but make sure it still pulled to the front of the pelvis. When lean, pull your chair a few centimeters.
6. Foot
Make sure both of your feet flat on the floor and do not cross their legs. If your feet do not get flat, use a wedge under the foot.

Source : health.kompas.com

Monday, December 15, 2014

Can Chronic Disease Dental Starting from Germs

Most diseases of the gums usually caused by poor dental hygiene. But most people still neglect oral hygiene.

Subsequent infection of the gums can cause inflamed gums, forming pockets of pus, and form plaques much more. The germs of the pus pockets can spread throughout the body via the blood vessels.

"This infection is started in the gums but ignored. Consequently germs made ​​it to the blood circulation and carried by the flow," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, drg.Yudha Rismanto Sp.Perio, at the media conference Gum Problems Solutions in Jakarta, Thursday (2 / 5).

The impact of the circulation of the bacteria depends on the organ where germs berths. If the germs carried by blood flow to the lower body, the heart and the kidneys could be disrupted.

Likewise, if the germs carried to the upper body, the bacteria can be "stuck" in the membrane that surrounds the brain causing meningitis.

In the medical world this is called also by odontegenic infection. Although uncommon, but studies have proven the link between oral health with the onset of chronic diseases.

Therefore Yudha suggest filling the cavities immediately or routine cleaning of plaque. The teeth, the hole will be patched soon stop working the bacteria find their way into the blood vessels. while the gums immediately check when swollen gums.

"Swelling indicates the presence of infection in the local area of ​​the teeth and gums. Nevertheless, duration of infection depends endurance, tolerance, and" nutritional intake per person. The weaker the infection runs faster. Do not take for granted and underestimate the body's signals of pain, "he said.

Source : kompas.com

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mediterranean diet, for diabetes

Diet eat only lean meat and replace it with healthy fats such as the Mediterranean diet is considered very good for people with diabetes. Diet is considered effective in lowering blood sugar levels.

Mediterranean diet, for diabetes

In addition to the Mediterranean diet, a diet low in carbohydrates, high in protein, and low in simple sugars is also considered good for diabetics.

"Of the four methods are all diet can improve various aspects of diabetes control," said Dr.Olubukola Ajala, diabetes experts from the UK.

Diabetes is now considered a global epidemic. People suffering from this disease can not keep blood sugar into the cells effectively so that their blood sugar levels soaring.

Lifestyle changes such as weight loss and reduced caloric intake has been shown to control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications.

In an analysis of 20 studies over the last 10 years, Ajala and his team compared the benefits of 7 popular diet for people with type two diabetes.

Mediterranean diet, low carbohydrate diet, a diet high in protein, and low glycemic index diets were least effective in lowering blood sugar levels.

People who opt for a Mediterranean diet can also lose weight. But these benefits are not found in the three other dietary methods.

The Mediterranean diet is a diet that more intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and use olive oil and spices to replace salt and butter. Saturated fat from red meat and dairy products is very limited.

Other studies have also linked the diet with a reduced risk of cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, as well as the risk of heart attack.

Continuous calorie restriction is an important element in the diet of diabetics. Mediterranean diet is considered easier to follow in the long run.

Natural Foods That Can Overcome Asthma

Asthma is a condition where there is inflammation of the airways and partly triggered by allergies. To reduce risk of asthma or to prevent the recurrence of symptoms of asthma, you need to change your intake of foods that support the condition.

Natural Foods That Can Overcome Asthma

Here are 9 foods that can help fight asthma naturally, as quoted by NaturalNews, Wednesday (01/05/2013):

1. Avocado
Avocados are known to contain the highest concentration of L-glutathione, an anti-asthma foods that can protect cells against damage from free radicals, and detoxifying the body from pollutants and other harmful substances. L-glutathione in avocado can also help quells systemic inflammation and improve gut health is damaged, a process which in turn can help prevent asthma triggers.

2. Cabbage
Cabbage is a natural source of vitamin C and has the unique ability to block free radicals are responsible for the contraction of smooth muscle in the airway. Cabbage is also a source of phytochemicals, beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that can reduce or prevent asthma symptoms.

3. Spinach
A study involving 68 535 women participants found that high intake of spinach is directly related to reduced risk of asthma. This may be due to the fact that spinach high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and magnesium.

4. Bananas
According to a study conducted in 2011 by researchers from Imperial College London, eat a banana every day to keep asthma. The study found that children who eat one banana a day, have a reduced risk of asthma symptoms such as wheezing up to about 34 percent.

5. Water
Most people who are diagnosed with asthma, the condition is usually caused by dehydration. According to experts, the symptoms of asthma was initially started as a warning that the body needs water. So you need to meet the need of water every day to prevent the development of asthma symptoms.

6. Ginger
Ginger is an herb that strong anti-asthmatic, even some people say that the efficacy is better than antihistamine drugs like Benadryl in air duct cleaning and stop inflammation.

Fiber and antioxidant properties make ginger can be a powerful drug without harmful side effects, which means safe for you to add them to your daily food and drink to good health.

7. Turmeric
Anti-inflammatory active ingredient in turmeric may also address inflammation responsible for pulmonary edema and constriction of the airways during an asthma attack. Because it helps dilate blood vessels and relax muscles, turmeric is a powerful weapon in preventing the recurrence of asthma symptoms.

8. Apple
Apples contain quersetin which has proven to provide a strong protection against asthma. A study from Europe found that pregnant women who ate at least four apples per week, 53 per cent lower risk of giving birth to children with asthma.

Based on the same research that links consumption of bananas to reduce asthma symptoms, also found that children who drank apple juice, has a risk of 50 percent less likely to develop symptoms of asthma.

"In addition to foods, avoid also what triggers asthma. Wherever possible asthma sufferers or their families should always maintain the cleanliness of the house. Way, his asthma will naturally avoid and reduce the risk of recurrent asthma.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Diabetes Diet

If you have diabetes, you are already aware of just how difficult this can be to deal with, as you will often find yourself dealing with the present side effects of diabetes, while also dealing with the fear of the potential future side effects; one of the most frustrating things about dealing with diabetes, however, is just how much information is out there, telling you what you "should" and "should not" do in order to manage and control your diabetes, and how difficult it can be to sort through all this information. And so, in order to help you better manage your diabetes (and be better equipped to lead a full and fulfilling life!), here is an examination of four of the most important things you are going to want to keep in mind with your eating; certainly, there are other items you will want to pay attention to, but keep these four things as your core pieces of knowledge, and you will be putting yourself in great shape to continue living life the way you want to live it!

Understand glucose: One of the major mistakes a great number of people end up making when dealing with diabetes is assuming that they simply need to stay away from refined sugar, while failing to realize that the body actually turns carbohydrates into glucose as well, with refined grains being the worst offenders; cut back on the refined grains, and you'll put yourself in much better shape.

Good fats: Certainly, you ought to stay away from foods that are high in fat, but you should also be aware of the fact that not all fats are created equal; for example, the fats found in fish, avocado, and nuts are all good for your body, and should be included in your daily eating plan as often as possible!

Fruits and veggies: As you aim to battle your diabetes, one of the best things you can do is get in the habit of eating "foods," rather than eating products - in other words, eating things that are grown and raised, rather than things that are processed and created - and one of the best ways to get "real food" into your system is by enjoying fruits and vegetables!

Eat often: One of the major mistakes people tend to make is eating far too infrequently, and eating too much each time they do eat; rather than making this mistake yourself, get in the habit of eating three good meals each day, with two or three light snacks added in as well - and every time you eat, make sure you are only eating until you are satisfied, rather than eating until you are so full you could not possibly take one more bite!

Having to deal with diabetes can certainly be a challenge, but when you follow these simple steps, you will put yourself in much better shape.

A question I was asked recently is can I have hypoglycemia without diabetes? It's an interesting question and the answer is yes. But more importantly is why. As diabetes continues to become more and more of a problem in our modern world, it's very important to catch the early warning signals. But before we continue, let's first make sure we have our terms straight. Hypoglycemia is a state of low blood sugar, generally from an overproduction of insulin, or else a poor diet. Hyperglycemia is a state of high blood sugar, generally due to a lack of insulin. Diabetes, on the other hand, is a persistent medical ailment of the body's underproduction or lack of insulin, or of a cell's inability to correctly process the insulin. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are terms that are usually associated with diabetes because they all three have to do with blood sugar. The difference between the three is that diabetes is a persistent medical condition, whereas hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia may come and go.

People who are wondering if they can have hypoglycemia without diabetes might really more accurately be wondering whether they can have hyperglycemia without diabetes. We'll talk about that first before we move on to having hypoglycemia without diabetes. Diabetes causes hyperglycemia because without insulin, the body can't metabolize blood sugar for fuel and energy. The blood sugar continues to build in the bloodstream and if it isn't taken care of, can be extremely dangerous and hazardous to a person with diabetes, even at times resulting in their death. Certain conditions can cause hyperglycemia without diabetes, but these are rare. But what about hypoglycemia?

As we discussed in the first section, people are becoming more and more wary of diabetes and the early warning signs of the condition in order to help prevent it before the condition becomes permanent. If you're wanting to accomplish that, you'll need to somehow distinguish between hypoglycemia that arises through diabetes and hypoglycemia that comes about because of some other factor. Here are some of the other factors that may cause hypoglycemia:

1. Excessive Alcohol Consumption. You don't need to be a doctor to know that too much alcohol is hazardous to your health. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause hypoglycemia. Why is that? When your body processes sugars and releases them into the bloodstream, some of the sugar is stored as glycogen in your liver and released slowly over time. Because we all know that alcohol heavily affects the liver, and one of those effects is that the liver is inhibited from releasing its stored sugar back into the bloodstream.

2. Some Medications. There are some known medications that can bring on hypoglycemia. Some antidepressants, Quinine, and other things can cause hypoglycemia. Read the labels for side effects.

3. Hormone Imbalance. Insulin production and release in the body is regulated by certain hormones. Hormones are produced and regulated by your endocrine system. Your endocrine system, when healthy, is in a state of homeostasis, meaning balance. But a large range of things can kick your endocrine system out of proper balance, which causes incorrect hormone production and release. One of the main causes of endocrine imbalance is steroid use. But there are many other causes.

4. Fasting. Not eating for extended periods of time can cause hypoglycemia. Levels of blood sugar can very quickly decline in response to fasting or a lack of nourishment.

Fatty foods are the causes of diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, increased degree cholesterol or Hiperkolestemia, movement or stoppage of blood vessel (Atherosclerosis), Coronary heart disease, suffering from ulcer disease, joint pain and inflammation due to kidney stones cumulation acid strand.

Excess weight and poor nutrition (malnutrition) is one of the causes of fatty food. malnutrition or poor nutrition can cause damage to pancreas, whereas Obesity or overweight in the body can lead to disruption of insulin or insulin Retention. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the Diabetes mellitus that is not dependent on insulin. Fatty foods have been known by many people that fatty food can lead to high-risk or exposed to the disease type 2 Diabetes mellitus that insulin production can be possible. Professor James Kazuaki Ohtsubo and Marth from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the Howard Hughes medical Instate (UCSD) and all his team can identify the genes that an enzyme called Gn-4a glycosyltransferase (GnT-4a), which allows the beta cells pancreas stimulate blood sugar and produce insulin in normal and good. the experts are doing to the animal testing mice that show high level of fat in the blood will be pressing the production of enzyme GnT-4a so that the beta cells in the pancreas produces a hormone deficiency and insulin cause Diabetes mellitus type 2.

Fatty foods can also cause disease acid strand. acid muscle is the result of the end of the purin metabolism. purin is a certain food that can cause disease acid strand. acid muscle in the body produced through two ways. The first is as a result of splitting non-amino acid essential, glutamine acid and aspartat. this process occurs in every person's body, because muscle is the acid component in the body that required a certain amount. and the second is as a result of the end of the process purin metabolism derived from food. cumulation of acid first strand rare. which is more often due to the many foods that contain lots of purin and consumption patterns are day-to-day with a less balanced diet such as eating too many contain a high cholesterol.

Avoid fatty foods for people with ulcer disease. causes of fatty foods can also lead to the occurrence of ulcer disease. It is can cause stomach bloated. ulcer patients are encouraged not consume foods that contain fat. ulcer patients do when praying fasting, should avoid eating food is too spicy. other causes of fatty foods is hypertension. high blood pressure is one of the most disease in the world. Hypertension can lead to disability or physical disability. that can occur when people with Hypertension or high blood pressure drop at the time of high blood pressure to increase rates. the things above are the causes of fatty foods that are frequently experienced by many people around the world.

Weight Loss Fast

For one of the most enjoyable and simple ways to exercise walking is hard to beat. Take a friend along and begin on your program to get weight loss fast. Walking uses the whole body and so lots of muscles are used which will strip those calories both during the exercise and for quite a while after.

If you can use the larger muscle groups then your goals will be reached more quickly. Your leg muscles are a large part of your muscle mass and will therefore burn those calories more quickly and help get that weight loss fast.

It is often thought by people that they would like to get rid of belly fat by exercising the stomach muscles but these are a small muscle in the body. The fat a lot of men find on their stomach is best reduced by using the major muscle groups rather than the small ones. So it is best to look for any exercise that can engage the large muscles rather than the small.

The best thing about walking is that it is low impact compared with many exercises and so tendons and joints are less likely to be injured than if you took up running, especially at the beginning of an exercise program. Walking can be built in to other activities such as a game of golf, and if you are like me then this can mean quite a bit of walking. Nothing beats a walk along the beach at sunrise or sunset on a nice evening.

If you are feeling fitter then go out for a game of tennis, or soccer, or a friendly game of basketball or baseball. These activities all use the major muscle groups and will burn those calories and assist in losing that weight fast.

In order to improve and benefit more from your walk then diet is also very important. Fruit and vegetables, especially fresh will provide the vitamins you need and keep you feeling as though you are full for longer. Another tip is to try and have a smaller meal for dinner so that your body does not go into storage mode while you are sleeping.

Small regular meals are the answer to help avoid those cravings and to make you feel full for longer. Missing a meal to reduce food consumption is not the answer as your body will adjust and store any calories it can locate so that it won't starve.

Continuing on the theme of small, small mouthfuls of food, well chewed are also a good idea. This gives your body more time to register that it is full and you can stop eating. Missing breakfast is a bad idea as it is this meal that kick starts your metabolism in the morning and gets your body fired up to get weight loss fast.

As a final point, water intake is very important for the correct functioning of our body right down to the cellular level. Dehydration also affects the brain function and reasoning ability. Having a glass of water can also help to reduce hunger pangs before the next meal is due.

Weight Loss Fasting & Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility (as it relates to one's health, weight and overall health) is against the ropes and in danger of a knockout. Like the criminal who insists he is a victim of his tough childhood, many obese persons may die before their time. Why? Because they simply do not want to do what it takes to get healthy. They do not want to participate in their own own health care.

The Omnipotent Doctor

Many of these fine people are under the delusion that doctors know everything and can fix anything.The first subject in our study we shall call Jim. Jim is 100 pounds overweight and walked into the hospital with a vague sense of not being well. He proceeds to undergo thousands and thousands of dollars in tests, all of which come back negative.

Great, right?

Nope. Jim is upset. He is disappointed because no serious illnesses were discovered. "Why can't you find anything?" he tells the nurse annoyed. He leaves angry, blaming "doctors and nurses" for being incompetent and not "fixing" him. Jim will go on to other doctors in search of the elusive sickness and cure - not knowing that his breakthrough is staring at him in the mirror. He holds the key to change. Jim lacks personal responsibility.

Why Can't They Find Anything?

But the fact that Jim eats all the wrong foods, does not exercise and spends most of his spare time glued to a couch with remote control in hand "does not" cross his mind as problematic. "Why can't you find anything?" he wonders. Whose job is it to keep us healthy and in shape? Is it the doctor? The nurse? Society?

The answer to these questions is obvious but not apparent for many. We are responsible. Nobody ... nobody can "fix" us. We must learn to stand in the gap and do it for ourselves. While at first we may receive some pity and support, human beings eventually will grow weary. We will be left only with ourselves. Learn to make the tough choices NOW before life makes the PERMANENT choice of severe illness for you. Yes, taking responsibility is the easier, softer way. Don't you think?

Pass the Buck

One of the biggest challenges to weight loss is simply lack of interest for one's own well being and longevity. The biggest stumbling blocks to weight loss and health is often one's own indifference, sloth and apathy.

Agnes just learned she had Type II Diabetes.She is 60 pounds overweight, a smoker, and avid eater of fried foods and sweets - washing them down mostly with soda. Alarmed by chest pains, she goes and is admitted to the hospital for tests and observation. The nurse sits down with Agnes and attempts to explain how diabetes predisposes a person to heart disease and affects the whole body.

Agnes interrupts the nurse indicating she, "needs to call the kitchen." Her husband Sam stands by. He is visibly more than 100 pounds overweight and also smokes cigarettes. Sam does not listen to much of what was being said because he is busy eating a cheeseburger with fries and an extra large milk shake. Sam is not just eating - he is shoveling the food in his mouth almost without breathing. The nurse turns her attention back to Agnes. "Why do you have to call the kitchen?"

"Oh," Agnes replies. "They forgot to bring the chocolate cake along with the rest of the dinner." It became pretty clear to the nurse that Agnes and Sam were too busy eating and watching TV to listen to her "nagging" about diabetes, cigarettes and overeating.

But, hoping for the best, the nurse tells Agnes point-blank that she needs to eat better foods to balance her blood sugar, which is dangerously high.
Agnes' response rounds up the entire message of this article. She looks up from her dinner, angry, and tells the nurse: "Watch my blood sugar? Why do I have to do watch my blood sugar? I thought you guys were controlling it!"

Normal for Me

Sadly, this type of mentality is more common than one may think. Many diabetics believe that they are fine - so long as they take their insulin shots. So long as they do not go into diabetic shock, are going blind or are bedridden and covered with sores - they are fine. This may sound harsh, but unfortunately it is the reality for some.

Thousands will continue to die from this horrible stronghold which has seized control of their minds and bellies. Such is the power of food to hypnotize and control ... literally kill slowly and deliberately.

Fasting for weight loss, exercising, learning how to eat? Out of the question. We have seen many diabetics who say they are "used" to having high blood sugar. They are no longer alarmed and see it as "normal." "Your blood sugar is 200!" the nurse tells Rick. "Well, yes," he says. "That is high. But don't worry. It is normal for me."

Yes. It is normal to be 40, 50, 100 pounds overweight.
Then there are many who are not diabetic (yet), but still are severely overweight and in danger of contracting this killer illness. Obesity threatens to cut their lives short. Could this be you? What is your attitude toward your health and fitness?

What are some of the belief systems that keep you from taking action? How important or "not important" is it for you to be healthy, lean and live to a ripe, old age? One dear friend of mine, may he rest in peace, refused to lose weight and died last year at the stairs of his house from a sudden massive heart attack. His wife was pregnant with their first son. Cases like these are seen with more and more frequency.

Many premature deaths can be prevented by doing a 7-to 14-day juice or water fast at least once every two years, in addition to shorter fasts every six months. Some choose to fast once a week with wonderful, life-giving results.

The very best thing many of us can do is to stop eating for at least three days on a regular basis and give the digestive system time to regroup, rest, heal and detoxify. Fasting saves lives. Fasting is a direct, one-way pathway to better health, dramatic weight loss and longevity.

Fasting Torture

But to arrive at this realization some people must first overcome their apparent blindness to self responsibility. Take Al for example. He came to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. His digestive system was found to be in severe turmoil from years of destructive overeating. Al is 80 pounds overweight and suffers from hypoglycemia. The doctor puts him on an NPO or "Nothing by Mouth" regimen for 24 hours. In other words, he is put on an involuntary fast.

Within three hours, however, Al is ringing the "call" bell to the nurses' station frantically and very angry. He wants to know why he is being "tortured." "Why can't I eat? Why can't I eat? They won't let me eat! For God's sake, they won't let me eat!" Al is blind to his plight. All that matters if food. The reality of his obesity and sickness totally escapes him.

Your Life

Fasting "rests" the organ that is injured or abused. Period. If you sprain your ankle, you would not go out jogging that same day, right? Well, why is it then that we insist on continuing to eat when we are obese and toxic? The harsh reality is that THIS IS NOT Aunt Mary's tea party.

Fasting and calorie restriction is a way to reverse years of damage to your body. But most persons simply are unwilling to go through a little discomfort, even if it represents healing and much-needed weight loss. These persons may be doomed. They do not want to do anything that, even for a season, removes them from absolute comfort and instant gratification. Such was the state of the Roman empire prior to its fall.

The equation is the same today. Walk through some discomfort and embrace change. Or face consequences. Be consumed by the sword of one's own folly. Which of these indivisible and certain harvests do you wish to reap?

Remember: This is real life. YOUR LIFE. It is your responsibility to do whatever it takes to improve your health, especially (and with added urgency) if you are overweight and toxic. Doctors and hospitals are there to help us and are very valuable, but they should certainly not be seen as the "cure" for what ails us. Medications exist to treat mostly symptoms. Prevention is the best medicine.

Prevention is in your hands. It gives you the power to direct your health towards the most optimum outcome. Such is the way of the mature. Such is the way of the courageous and the wise.

The Health Bank

Fasting and calorie restriction is a way to reverse years of damage to your body. Your health is like a bank account. You have to make deposits. Fasting, dieting, eating right, exercising... all of those disciplines make deposits into your health account.

One day you may need to make a withdrawal from that wellness account. If you have made no deposits ... guess what? What will happen to you? There will be nothing in there. A day of tragedy, darkness and gnashing of teeth. It is the primary point of this article to be direct and to-the-point with real life experiences so that you, dear reader, DO NOT have to go through adverse health consequences. You can do that by admitting that you are responsible.

What needs to change in your health? How much weight do you need to lose? For how long have you been putting it off? What has become more important than your health? Start fasting, start NOW! You do not have to be a record-breaker or fast for days and days and days. Fast one day per week. Fast even half a day per week. Work your way up from there. But do it. It works. And you are worth it!

Message to Ponder On:: Your personal food choices each day & in each situation will determine the quality of your health. Doctors and hospitals are NOT responsible for your wellness. You are responsible. Fasting can take you there. Are you ready?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Eat 10 servings of tomatoes a week potent prevent prostate cancer

Tomatoes would have been familiar to people of Indonesia. The food is not only healthy, but it also can prevent one type of cancer that is feared by men, namely prostate cancer.

A recent study revealed that components in tomatoes may help reduce the risk of men developing prostate cancer. The components include lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid that gives the red color to tomatoes. Lycopene has been known to improve blood vessel function and prevent heart disease.

Based on the study conducted by researchers at the University of Bristol revealed that men who ate 10 servings of tomatoes or more within a week have a reduced risk of prostate cancer by 18 percent. The study, led by Vanessa Er was conducted on 1,806 men with prostate cancer at the age of 50-69 years and compared them with 12 005 men who did not have cancer.

"Tomatoes are important for the prevention of prostate cancer. However, more research needs to be done to confirm this research," wrote the researchers, as reported by the Daily Health Post (5/12).

Although tomatoes are known to lower the risk of prostate cancer, but men should still eat other vegetables and fruits to get balanced nutrition. In addition, researchers also cautioned him to avoid eating too many processed tomato products such as tomato sauce, pizza, and more.

Although made of tomatoes, but the processed products must have been mixed with other material that is not healthy such as salt, sugar, fat, and others. The researcher also explained that in addition to tomatoes, vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber can also be taken to reduce the risk of cancer.

In addition to eating tomatoes, researchers also reveal other ways to prevent prostate cancer, among others, is to consume black tea. Drinking black tea and eat carrots are known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 20 to 30 percent.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Two Types Of Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disorder that may eventually lead to serious complications which involves the nerves and the circulatory system. Such complications are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Moreover, some acute complications can result in very grave illnesses. It is very alarming how it has caused mortality to a lot of people. To control this kind of disease, the person affected must have the knowledge of the whole picture of the illness to be able to commit on taking care of the self.

Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you must make a move to control this. The main objective for control is to restore blood glucose levels to ideal range. It follows that the control will significantly delay and in some cases even prevent the development of long-term complications of this disease. The patient's knowledge on this illness will be the key to a successful management.

There are two types of Diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes or the insulin-dependent and Type II Diabetes or the non-insulin dependent. Of the two, the most common form is the second type. An important predisposing factor of developing this is through the genes. A quick family history assessment can give you an idea if you are more prone to getting this disease. Aside from that, high risks for this kind of Diabetes are those who are obese. Obesity is the only modifiable factor for this type.

There are three recommended management of Type II Diabetes Mellitus to assist in reaching the ideal blood glucose levels. First is of course the emphasis on dietary modification. Basically, the patient must stay away from sugars and cholesterol. It is important also to have an appropriate timing of meals. You can consult a dietitian to be able to plan together your food for every meal based on your choice of food, lifestyle and financial capacity.

The second thing to do is to control the weight through proper exercise. Regular exercise can keep this kind of disease under control. It also causes an increased sensitivity of muscle tissue to insulin which may lead to a lower dose of anti-diabetic medication. Exercise can also decrease the patient's appetite while increasing his expenditure. Thus, it will assist him the person affected in his restrictions of certain amount of calories in the diet.

The third management is to strictly follow the instructions of a physician on the schedule and dose of an oral anti-diabetic agent. This medication will help lower increasing levels of blood glucose in the body. The patient should be properly educated on the name, purpose, effects and some possible effects of the medicine so that he will know what to do when any adverse effects will happen.

Diabetes has been with us for centuries. And in America, it's become one of our most lethal diseases. But, much like AIDs, it's often not the disease that kills the person, it's the health complications caused by damage to other parts of the body. For instance, diabetes, untreated, slowly destroys the cardiovascular system of a person which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

But what is the cause of diabetes and is it preventable?

There are mainly two types of diabetes, and the causes are different. In type 1 diabetes, the cause is usually a viral attack on the pancreas by antibodies in the bloodstream. In other words, it is your own body that is attacking the pancreas. The pancreas is one of the major organs of the body. It secretes insulin which the body uses to help it to convert blood sugar to energy. Unable to convert the blood sugar to energy, the sugar simply builds up in the bloodstream eventually reaching high enough levels that it begins to destroy the body from the inside. In those with type 1 diabetes, the usual treatment is to have them take insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is usually caused by a combination of poor food choices, poor food portion control, and lack of exercise. This is highlighted by the fact that teenage onset diabetes has dramatically jumped in the last 20 years. Now, our bodies have not changed that much in twenty years. What has changed, however is the amount of fast foods that we eat.

Fast foods are almost always high in calories. And, you can almost plot a straight line showing that as the weight of our teens have increased, so have the number of incidences of diabetes in their group.

In addition, we as a nation are exercising less. Mandatory, gym classes have virtually been eliminated from many of our schools and many of the popular entertainments today - video games, computer activities, and so on - involve some sort of sedentary activity where the body doesn't have to move much.

Doctors mainly use two types of tests for diabetes - urine tests and blood tests. A urine test will test your urine for protein. One of the earliest organs that diabetes can damage is the kidney. If the kidney is damaged, excess protein will show up in the urine because the kidney is having trouble filtering impurities. A blood test will test for excess glucose in the bloodstream. A test showing that you have above levels of glucose usually indicates that your body is not producing enough insulin to process the sugar in your blood.

Is diabetes preventable? Some types are, such as many of the type 2 onset diabetes cases which are triggered by lifestyle choices. Type 1 diabetes cases are not preventable, at least not yet. But promising signs on the gene research front indicate that within the next 10 to 15 years we might very well see a diabetes vaccine that can protect a person from type 1 diabetes.

Heredity, is the elephant in the room when it comes to diabetes. Research studies have proven that it plays a part, but to what extent is yet unknown. The bright point, however, is that even if your heredity predisposes you towards diabetes, by making lifestyle changes you can do many things to ensure that you never get it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Getting back on track quickly and efficiently is super important.

Create an environment where it's harder or nearly impossible to make bad choices.

You want to make it easy to eat right and train.

My new client and I would go over the 100 BEST Foods You Can Eat list, and over their individualized grocery list.

"Because if you go to the store and make great choices and also buy things NOT on the list you're going to eat those too."

"So don't buy it!"

That's the beauty of the "Don't Buy it" Diet.

If you buy it you'll eat it, and if you don't it makes it harder to get to.

This helps you break the habit of going for those bad food choices, when you have more control over your environment.

So the bottom line is if you've got junk food in the house you're going to eat it.

So help yourself stay on track this week. Go home and clean out the pantry and refrigerator of any junk food you know isn't moving you to your goals.

The more like-minded people you surround yourself with, the better you'll do with staying on track.

When you work with a healthy fitness minded group of people, you'll also have people that can help you get when you want to move faster.

They've made the same mistakes you've made (and a lot more). People are discovering many new ways to exercise these days. Some are brand new styles being introduced at the local fitness centers, while others are centuries old traditions that have proven to be beneficial to people around the world. As a way to improve physical health as well as mental balance, yoga has become more popular than ever, and some adherents are looking to help teach other people about the benefits that it can unlock. This raises the question: is it possible to find a yoga teacher training online program that will properly prepare a person to teach others? By expanding the search to include a yoga teacher training online program, a person has a far greater potential to enroll in a program that is best suited for them, to learn the history of the particular style they will be teaching and the knowledge of how best to help join the practice of yoga into their students' everyday lives.

Yoga, as one of the oldest and most universally recognized practices of blending body, mind and spirit, is the natural choice that many people are looking at to help them improve. To want to teach people yoga is a noble endeavor, and one that people should not enter into lightly. That makes the search for the proper yoga training method the most important first step a person can take.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Healthy Weight Loss

Diets are everywhere! Every place you turn, someone is talking about a new diet. A diet that will change your life forever and you won't even have to exercise! There is no such thing as a life-changing diet. There is a large variety of diets out there, and they all have many different aspects of how to lose weight. However, they all have one thing in common; as soon as you lose the weight and step off of the diet, (poof!) the weight comes back, sometimes leaving you with even more weight than you had before the diet! The point I am trying to make is simply this: A diet is not a healthy weight loss solution.

The only antidote to losing weight and keeping it off while staying healthy is for you to make a change in your lifestyle.     You must have a balanced and healthy dietary plan.
    You must adhere to a good, healthy physical activity plan.
If you want to lose the weight and keep it off, making a lifestyle change is the only way to do it effectively. A lifestyle change is a healthy weight loss solution

Let us start with number one: having a balanced and healthy diet. Take a good, honest look at the foods you eat on a regular basis, and the amount of it that you eat. Fast foods, salty foods and baked goods are all okay - in moderation. Probably the most important key to learn in having healthy weight loss is moderation. Moderation is a must when it comes to healthy weight loss.

Make sure you surround yourself with good and healthy foods that are low in calories and high in vitamins and protein. Remember, cook and eat in moderation, and you are well on your way to a healthy weight loss solution.

This healthy and clinically proven weight loss pill is not a miracle worker, but it is certainly one of the most beneficial tools for healthy weight loss in the world today. Proactol not only helps the body lose weight, but it also maintains other health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Proactol helps with healthy weight loss by lowering the body's food cravings and decreasing your appetite, making it easier to control your food intake. This also helps you in the learning to eat with moderation. Take Proactol after each meal and you will find that it greatly helps with achieving a healthy lifestyle.

The next step to changing your lifestyle is making a good physical activity plan and sticking to it. Too many people want to reach the stars right away when it comes to exercising and losing weight. Achieving healthy weight loss is not done too quickly either, or it is not beneficial to the body. Surround yourself with people that will encourage you and hold you accountable to your lifestyle change. The third and last step to improving your lifestyle and reaching a healthy weight loss solution is a behavior or attitude change. Making a lifestyle change is more than just choosing the right kinds of foods. You must also change your mind. Write down everything pertaining to eating. Keep a track of what foods you eat at what times, but also write about why you ate those foods at those times. Change your mind. Change how you eat, when you eat, and what you eat. Change how stress affects your life, and learn how to deal with it more effectively. Eating doesn't make any problem go away permanently.

One more key to changing your lifestyle and maintaining your goal of healthy weight loss is to conduct regular self "check-ups." Remember, once your lifestyle change is complete, you will be well on your way to reaching healthy weight loss.

Healthy weight loss always involves eating a balanced diet and exercise but many people are still confused about how weight loss works.

How much do you know about weight loss?

Fat Burning Food

There are diets that claim cabbage soup or grapefruit burns fat. Food cannot burn fat. Food is the fuel for the body and the body is what burns fat.

Actually, when people lose weight, they lose it all over their bodies. You cannot lose weight on one part of your body only. Exercises for weight loss should be done with your whole body and not just one part of it.

Starches are fattening

A lot of healthy food items such as whole grain bread, rice, pasta, fruits and even some vegetables are high in starch. Natural weight loss pills are safe

Natural or herbal supplements are peddled as safe because they are natural. A healthy weight loss diet includes food that provides us with protein such as red meat, poultry, fish, etc. Eating at night causes weight gain

Whatever time it is when you eat, you can gain weight. It is the total number of calories you eat that determines whether or not you gain weight, not when you eat. In fact, people who skip meals and eat only twice a day are proven to weight more than people who eat regular meals throughout the day. Dairy products are unhealthy and full of fat

Nowadays there are many low fat or nonfat dairy products that are healthy and non-fattening. The truth of the matter is to lose weight, a person simply needs to consume fewer calories than he burns. Healthy weight loss does not involve skipping meals, eating only fish or having a liquid diet. Long-term weight loss is a lifestyle change that means eating a healthy diet and exercising.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Treatment for Acne

Are you tired of wasting money on useless skin care products? If the answer is yes, read this article to learn how to make the best homemade facial masks for acne.

Reasons why people choose homemade facial mask for acne than using OTC products

There are multiple reasons why many people use home facial masks recipes to create their own skin care products. What Do Face Masks Do For Your Skin?

The greatest advantage of home facials is that you are using natural ingredients that are excellent for your skin. Oily skin, for example, gets cleansed and exfoliated with the appropriate face mask. In general, this inexpensive beauty treatment removes dead skin cells, excess sebum and tones, making your face look bright, healthy and firm. A good face mask makes you feel fresh and confident and leaves your skin looking lovely.

Here's a guide to the most effective recipes for homemade acne masks:

Egg White and Lime Acne Lift

It has proteins that help tighten pores and make skin taut and firm. Citrus fruits also have a lot of the antioxidant powers of vitamin C that help repair skin damage and protect the skin.

To make an egg white and lime acne mask, separate egg white from yolk and whisk until it forms a thick paste. Lemon Mask

Since lemon has a very strong effect on the skin, adding water will lessen the strong effect on sensitive skin. Microdermabrasion is a powerful tool for acne skin care. Not only can microdermabrasion help heal active acne breakouts, it can also reduce the occurrence of future breakouts. It can even help eliminate certain types of acne scarring.

The best analogy for how microdermabrasion works for acne skin care is that of sandblasting.

With microdermabrasion, tiny crystals with abrasive properties are rubbed into the surface of the skin. The abrasive properties of the crystals polishes away the dead skin cells clinging to the outermost layers of skin.

Removing these dead skin cells ins one of the ways microdermabrasion helps with acne skin care. A large portion of acne is triggered by dead skin cells that clog the pores. When dead skin cells are out of the picture, there is less chance of an acne breakout.

Acne Skin Care for Treatment And Prevention
Microdermabrasion is beneficial for acne skin care in a number of ways. Most acne breakouts occur as a result of clogged pores. With regular microdermabrasion procedures, you won't experience build up of dead skin cells, so you won't have any problems with acne breakouts from this source.

Give Microdermabrasion for Acne Skin Care a Chance
If you have a problem with acne, what do you have to lose other than unwanted acne problems? Microdermabrasion can be a very effective component of an acne skin care program.

People with bad acne problems might need several treatments before the problem really subsides.

If you have scarring from previous acne breakouts, you really have a lot to gain from giving microdermabrasion for acne skin care a chance. You will enjoy the benefits of acne prevention and treatment, with an added bonus of a reduction of raised acne scars.

Acne has been becoming a more persistent adult problem. Acne Defined

Acne is composed of skin blemishes which are associated with the accumulation of sebum in hair follicles, the tiny holes we commonly call pores. Sebum is the oil that keeps your skin moist and supple. As the skin regenerates itself, old cells die, mix with your skins natural oils and slough off.

This traps oil and bacteria inside the pore which then swells as your skin continues its normal oil production and skin sloughing which can not escape. A bacteria infection can ensue and results in a skin blemish.

Types of Acne

Non Inflammatory Acne

A closed white head occurs when the plug in the pore remains unseen below the surface of the skin. These lesions commonly appear on the skin as small, whitish bumps.

Inflammatory Acne

A papule is the mildest form of inflationary acne. It appears on the skin as bumps; firm, small and pink. Nodules or cysts are large, pus-filled, inflamed lesions lodged deep in the lower layers of the skin. Acne conglobata is rare, but a serious form of inflammatory acne that primarily develops on the chest buttocks and back. Who Gets Acne? There are several direct sales companies with quality products promising to help acne problems.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Skin Acne and its Types

Acne is caused by the clogging of the follicle of a skin gland causing a pimple to grow. As a registered nurse, I've learned a lot over the years about acne, acne scars, and acne treatments. Living with acne can be very difficult, and even more difficult to find the right acne treatment for you.

Acne will affect almost every person at some stage of their life. There are several different types of acne. Acne is most common in teenagers and young adults. Acne is a group of skin rashes that have different causes. In a survey conducted in Great Britain, 95% of 16-year-old males and 83% of 16 year-old females had acne.

Understanding that hormones may have some influence on the cause of acne needs to be considered. The liver sluffs off toxins from bad foods, drinks, drugs and chemicals and sends them through your skin resulting in skin eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders.

Check your shampoo to make sure it isn't causing pimples or other breakouts on your forehead. As time goes by, more research may help determine just how male and female hormones influence acne and the role diet plays.

Some natural home remedies include dabbing on non-gel toothpaste to dry out zits or lemon juice. One treatment method some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. Stay out of the sun if you're taking any acne medicines.

It's easy to treat acne cheaply, simply, naturally, yet effective, at home. Try not to touch your skin to eliminate possible contamination. Popping pimples can cause infection and scarring. Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you.

Whether acne scarring is deep or superficial, extensive or scattered, the end result can be less than desirable and even disturbing. The type and depth of acne scars influences the choice of treatment. Healed acne leaves scars in some people however, and it isn't easy to predict who will end up with scars after an acne outbreak and who won't.

In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it is chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet will result in your overall good health! Besides external acne treatment it's best to work from the inside out too. Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne.

Eat at least one organic apple with the skin on every day. Eat foods that contain essential fatty acids. Put two tablespoons of coconut oil in your smoothies.

The skin is subject to constant attack from without, so can be affected by numerous conditions, diseases and ailments. Unclean skin favors the development of pathogenic organisms - the dead cells that continually slough off of the epidermis mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin to form a filthy layer on its surface.

With cheap, safe, simple, natural, effective, alternative home treatments for acne and pimples, your skin should be well on its way to recovery. Analyze all the acne treatments available and make the best decision for you, based on your circumstances. Be assured, scientists are constantly looking at new non-invasive ways to treat acne.

Acne And Its Prevention
Today, the earth is covered with more dust and pollutants than the fresh air that we need to breathe. This huge amount of dust and imbalance in the physical environment leads to a number of irritating skin problems.

In general, although there is no particular age when skin troubles may begin, research reveals that these problems are most common with teenagers. The age of adolescence is the first victim of an ample variety of skin troubles.

Among such culprits affecting skin health, acne is most common. Acne and pimples affect most teenagers. Lot of them are curious to know the ways-out and ideas to cope up with the acne trouble on the whole.

Dermatologists classify several types of acne. They are different in nature and the methods to prevent them are also different. Acne is an outcome of the blocking of skin pores due to excessive secretion of sebum.

The sebum, which is a kind of oil, blocks the pores and bacteria, begins to develop. There are different types of acne - sometimes they are the blackheads and sometimes, whiteheads. However, overall the acne is generally of two kinds.

They are inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The microcomedones that are the results of sebum accumulation often cause skin blemishes that are blackheads and the whiteheads. Paining are the inflammatory acnes like papule, pustule, nodule, cyst and milia.

Whatever cause they may come of, they are really affecting for the skin and can become really dangerous if avoided for a long time. In addition to this, we, from the very beginning of such possibility of an attack of acne, start taking care of our skin and adopt the preventive measures as well.

Apart from the dust and pollution, our regular food habits and life style are also responsible for acne trouble. It is perhaps the most common skin problem for all the teenagers and some middle aged too. However, the general consciousness regarding the same can save us from the attack of acne into our skin. To avoid the acne from breaking out, you can follow some tips to check it.

First, it is very important that you consume at least three liters of water everyday. In addition to this, add a plenty of green vegetables and fruits into your regular diet. This acne likes to attack the oily skins most, so if you have the same texture of skin then try to keep your skin oil free as much as possible.

Dry skins, on the other hand are not free from this nagging trouble; in this case it is important to maintain the general moisture of the skin and avoid using a soap that is harsh in nature. Do not squeeze or pick the acnes as this only make the condition graver.

Use only clean towels and pillow covers, because if they are dirty or unclean they can shelter bacteria there. Besides, do not forget or feel tired to wash your make up before going to sleep. Above all, lead a healthy and stress less life; because it is most important to keep you free from all those skin hazards.

Using Baking Soda to Rid Off Acne and Acne Scars

Is acne causing untold distress in your life? Are you struggling to find a wholesome solution to the problem? It may seem challenging, but all types of acne have some kind of solution or the other. Acne is a universal skin problem. But, the treatment varies from individual to individual depending on the skin type, lifestyle etc. Severe forms of acne, such as cystic acne may require medical intervention and prescription therapies or other advanced therapies. You need not be overwhelmed by such terms! Sometimes, the items in your kitchen cabinet are sufficient to get rid of this unsightly skin condition. Let's go on to see how baking soda can help you do away with acne and its related scars.

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, has been traditionally used for treating pimples and scars. Many people have found it to be effective in treating acne. It works on the principle of exfoliation, meaning that it peels off the top layer of your skin and exposes the cleaner surface underneath. Hence, it is also useful to remove scars. Further, it removes the excess oil from the skin. You're probably aware that oily skin is the main cause for acne breakouts. Therefore, it is an inexpensive remedy to clean and refresh the skin and improve your complexion.

How do I use baking soda for acne treatment? It's simple and takes only a few minutes to prepare a baking soda mask. All you have to do is to mix one part of baking soda with two parts of water and prepare a paste. Apply this paste on your face with a spatula, leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with cool water. But, you must be aware of your skin type before trying the remedy. This is because the chemical composition of baking soda can be harsh on sensitive skin. It is better to test by first applying the paste on a small spot and leaving it for a few minutes. If you instantly sense a burning feeling, this treatment is not suitable for you. Don't get discouraged. There are other milder natural treatments and home remedies for acne.

Despite the chemical composition, baking soda has rarely caused serious repercussions. You should never leave it on your skin for more than twenty minutes. After washing it off, apply a suitable moisturizer or even a calamine lotion depending on your skin type. You can leave the moisturizer overnight. Follow the method once a week to see effective results. As you know exfoliation techniques can work wonders on the skin, provided you are cautious and well-aware of your skin type and condition.

Topical applications and cleansing agents are not enough to lead an acne free life. You must discover the factors that trigger acne and avoid them to the best possible extent. For instance, you may have to refrain from certain beauty products or certain kinds of foods. Alternatively, you must maintain skin hygiene through proper cleansing methods and follow a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, sufficient water intake and healthy diet are essential for our skin health. Have you read Clearade reviews? They demonstrate the role of acne vitamins in improving the oil metabolism of your skin. Balancing the oil or sebum secretion in your skin is a natural way to treat acne.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Weight Loss Pills

Whichever mode of advertisement a person consults, there are huge, flashy ads of weight loss products. Weight loss products, guides, pills, belts and all such equipment are common. People have harmed their metabolisms by the dieting tips and pills and it is strongly recommended that people who want to decrease weight safely go to a weight loss clinic that has the expertise to treat patients with proven and safe treatments.

Healthy Dieting

Professionally structured weight loss is the best solution to weight problems. Professional clinics have certified professional and experienced doctors, nurses and other personnel who work in a unified manner towards weight loss. At reputable weight loss clinics, each individual is treated as such; there is no fixed diet or exercise routine that is applied on each patient. Secondly, many of these clinics appoint yoga specialists or personal trainers to help people through the right exercises to lose weight, which is much better than imitating a random workout.

Thirdly, at weight loss clinics, trained professionals oversee your progress. The patients are constantly motivated and inspired to try out different meals and exercises. According to a review, some clinics offer up to two years of follow-up routines to help their patients maintain their ideal weight.

Professionally structured weight loss guidance is the healthy and effective choice because professional weight loss clinics are concerned most about the health of their patients. They guide the patients to understand their bodies better, eat better, develop a taste in healthy products, exercise and maintain a much more natural and healthy lifestyle.

The sure way to lose weight and get in shape is to burn more calories than you take in. You do not have to take pills or follow the latest fad diet. Losing weight and getting in shape works best when you eat balanced diets and engage in an effective exercise system. This will help you burn body fat, thereby reducing the percentage of your body fat and you become leaner and healthier.

Consume fewer calories by eating more foods that have high fiber content. Take enough water to keep up body systems work well.

Cut out pastries and junk food. Eat more natural foods than processed foods.

Start a regular routine of aerobics exercise to help your body burn fat and get in shape. Others are cycling, swimming, stair master etc. 20 to 30 minutes of aerobics exercise almost daily works best for most people. Aerobics increase your endurance and fitness. The more muscular you are, the more calories your body burns. Muscles even burn calories when at rest. Therefore, add at least 3 days of basic weight training every week to your weight loss and fitness program.

You could also buy some weights and body building equipments and do your workouts at home. The basic exercises you need to do are arm curls, bench press, shoulder press, squats and rows. Combining diet, exercise and strength training like this is the sure way to lose weight and get in shape.

Do not doubt the ability of consistency and persistency, which means to lose weight and get in shape you must be regular with you six pack abs workout and six pack abs diet and within weeks you must see significant weight lose in your body system

Weight loss is one of them. One is, obviously, people telling you to improve your diets and exercise a little more. In due time, you will be fitter, you will lose weight if you follow those two things.

Your diet is extremely important. To lose weight, you will need to eat healthier foods, however difficult that might sound. It's also extremely important to exercise regularly.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Consumption of nuts - fantastic benefits for body and mind

 How often you eat nuts? Great benefits ... in small shells

To prevent some of the most serious diseases should include some nuts in your diet daily. Benefits are plenty, both for health and for beauty, and the few extra calories can be eliminated easily by moving or removing unhealthy snacks. Think a moment: when the last time you ate nuts? Randomness ... should become a habit.

If we want to have a healthy heart should eat no more and no less than 7 nuts per day which, according to recent research, we could protect even the different types of cancer, especially breast cancer.

Daily consumption of nuts - long-term benefits

Rich in vitamin A, B, C, iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, calcium, copper, fiber, protein, folic acid, unsaturated fats and minerals, nut is considered a true food-drug, especially for people suffering of anorexia and anemia, but also for those experiencing weakness or fatigue general physical / mental.

Healthier and twice as rich in antioxidants than almonds, peanuts, pistachios and other fruits, nuts consumed daily reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 35%, those of diabetes and reduce inflammation (chronic).

Researchers at Marshall University in West Virginia recently discovered, after an experiment on mice, the Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E present in nuts and give them their anti-cancer potential to slow the growth of malignant tumors. The study, sponsored by the American Institute for Cancer Research, showed that breast cancer risk is significantly reduced (50%) for mice that were genetically programmed to develop the disease and had consumed a daily equivalent quantity of nuts 50g for body human. And researchers at Harvard University have demonstrated, after a study of 30,000 teenagers, that at least two servings of nuts per week reduce the risk of breast cancer by 36%.

Nuts - benefits for body, mind and ... teeth

Nuts, in addition to energy and laxative properties, protects teeth because they contain polyunsaturated fats and lowering risks associated with about 30% gum problems. And consumption of nuts has benefits in the area of ??memory: it seems that Omega-3 fatty acids in their composition prevents and helps improve memory problems and decrease your risk of Alzheimer's disease, helping us to make it easier to everyday stress and hectic life Dein today.

As for the calorie content, 100g walnuts = 654 calories, but as long as they replace other unhealthy snacks throughout the day, you should not make problems in terms of silhouette, especially given that they provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. For vegetarians and others, nuts can be one of the most healthy and suitable substitutes for the meat, giving the body all the substances necessary for normal functioning ... and more!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Treatment For Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a wide spread chronic disease of which 80-90% are Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Poorly managed diabetes can lead to Heart attacks, Strokes, Blindness, Nerve damage, Impotence etc.

Drugs, Insulin injections and all other Medicines available for diabetes can only control the level of sugar in blood stream and may not be effective at all times. And also it should be consumed throughout your life time.

According to Ayurveda, diabetes is not just lack of insulin. Its most probable cause is poor maintenance of your body which can be improved through Panchakarma treatments like hebal purge for the liver, pancreas, spleen, colon and the digestive tract and herbal massages, modification of diet and exercise, Yoga and breathing exercise.

Treatments Methods for Diabetes

The Panchakarma Treatments are meant to flush out the toxins, They are classified as pre-purification, main purification and post purification phases and include various types of therapies like oil massages, fermented liquid massages, medicinal enemas, herbal purification methods.

The Rasayana Therapies are meant to nourish the body, to bring the doshas back to balance and to regenerate the body.These comprise diet regulations, daily regimens, intake of oral medicines and ayurveda tonics, yoga and a stress free life. After the treatment the ayurveda doctors will advise you how to lead a healthy life. Panchakarma for Diabetes

The commonly adopted pre-purification therapies for Diabetes are Snehapanam, thalapothichil and thakradhara.

Snehapanam: Medicated ghee, eaten in empty stomach, for its first hand therapeutic value, is called Snehapanam. The treatment involves the removal of hard-core toxins and wastes from the body. It also calms down the mind and reduces mental stress. As a result, the body immunity increases, the effects of the ailments subside and frequent recurrence of the disease is prevented. The medicated ghee is prepared by processing herbal paste, herbal juice, milk, ghee etc. The herbal paste and juice are selected, based on the disease being treated, from herbs like amaltas,Sarsaparilla,Jaman,Indian Kino Tree, guggul, ginger, neem, onion, chopchini, tribhala, malabar nut, sweet flag, mustard etc. Thalapothichil, In Thalapothichil, the person's scalp is completely applied with high value medicinal pastes. Herbs and fruits such as gooseberry, henna, asparagus, moringa ,guggul, lotus, seeds, sandalwood, nut grass tuber etc. are used in the treatment. Thakradhara Thakradhara means the profuse pouring of medicine-rich buttermilk on a person's forehead. The treatment induces coolness to the brain, relaxes the mind, reduces mental stress and increases memory power. Thakradhara is a good treatment for diabetes. A prolonged treatment for 2-3 weeks not only removes diabetes but also recoups the total mental status of the person. Excellent cooling and therapeutic agents are used in this treatment. The buttermilk is made by boiling milk with assorted herbs. Gooseberry and lotus are excellent cooling agents.

Main purification Therapies for Diabetes

This is the phase of elimination of toxins that were loosened at the pre-purification treatment stage. The three commonly adopted Panchakarma treatments for Diabetes are Vamanam, Virechanam and Vasti .

Vamanam Induced vomiting, using herbal medicine is called Vamanam. This treatment is effective for diabetes. It is one among the renowned Panchakarma treatments. Through vamanam, the toxins and acids of the upper parts of the body are completely eradicated. As the channels are freed from harmful toxins, the body tissues get recharged. The person's memory power also increases, the sense organs get better clarity and his digestive fire increases. Vamanam, in addition to treating many diseases, also rejuvenates the person's body and mind. These methods loosen the impurities of the body channels and prepare the body for the main treatment. It eliminates excess bile toxins from the mid zone of the body. Virechanam constitutes one of the treatments of Panchakarma. When the digestive tract is clean and toxic-free, it benefits the entire body system. As a result, the person's appetite increases, body strength enhances and the person becomes active and buoyant. Herbal powder, medicated castor oil, or herbal paste is commonly used as the purgative medicine. It is a mixture of herbs like turpith, embellia fruits, dry ginger,lotus,cardamom, long pepper,konch,sweet flag, cinnamon, etc. The person consumes the appropriate herbal medicine in empty stomach. The dose of medicines, diet patterns etc. are to be strictly followed as per the doctor's recommendation. Vasthi is an enema therapy and is considered the ace colon cleaning panchakarma treatment. In this form of treatment special medicines are introduced through the anal route for the evacuation of accumulated toxins and metabolic wastes. It is highly recommended in the treatment of diabetes. Dill seeds, bael, honey, rock salt, herbal pastes, oils and decoctions are the main ingredients used in vasthi.

Rasayana Therapies for Diabetes

These are body nourishing therapies to rejuvenate the body and mind after the Panchakarma treatments. Rasayana includes oral medicines and diet regulation.

Oral medicines for Diabetes

Oral medicines used for treating diabetes will be extracts of pure medicinal herbs, leaves, spices etc. Some of the herbs and spices used in the preparation of kashayams and lehyams for treating Diabetes include neem, gurmar leaves, karela and vinca rose etc.

Diet regulations for Diabetes

Diet regulation will be suggested for patients suffering from Diabetes during and after the treatment. They should strictly avoid sugar in any form. Yoga and Life style for Diabetes

Light yoga postures, meditations and breathing exercises are advised. Yoga exercises such as Bhujang Asana,( cobra pose), Shalabah Asana( Locust pose) and Dhanur Asana( Bow pose ) are highly beneficial.

Life Style for Diabetes Patients suffering from Diabetes are advised to take at least one or two weeks of rest after the Panchakarma experience. Diabetes patients are advised to avoid sleep during the day. Causes And Types of Diabetes

There are generally three types of diabetes. Type one diabetes which is the most dangerous one and then there is type 2 and lastly gestational diabetes which affects women who are going through pregnancy. Diabetes is caused due to insufficient production of insulin in the body.

Although in type 1 diabetes you have to take regular insulin injection but in type 2 diabetes there are things you can do to lead a normal life. 1. Lose Weight

2. Dietary Changes

Change in the diet is the foremost thing to do when diagnosed with diabetes. 3. Herbal Remedies

People who are suffering from diabetes have benefited from the use of herbs. There are certain herbs mentioned in the ayurvedic system of medicine which are very effective in diabetes management. 4. Some Popular Herbal Products

Friday, October 24, 2014

Diabetes Medication Management

Diabetes is a disease that if not treated for prolonged periods can have serious and long-lasting effects on your wellbeing. It can cause problems for virtually every organ in the body and seriously diminish the quality of life if not dealt with in a timely manner. Every year, hundreds more people are diagnosed with diabetes, In the United States, diabetes ranks as 1 of the leading causes of death and disability.

The good news is that diabetes is capable of being managed successfully if you're willing to take charge of your own well-being. A diabetic can live astandard, healthy life if you accept that diabetes is a serious disease that demands continuous, dedicated treatment. If you can be vigilant about your wellbeing and take the crucial steps to improve your lifestyle, there is no reason you cannot enjoy life to its fullest.

For individuals who suffer from Type 1 diabetes, the most effective treatment may be insulin therapy. Since the body cannot produce its own insulin in sufficient amounts, insulin injections are needed to permit the Type 1 diabetic to reach normal blood sugar levels. Depending on the severity of the diabetes, individuals may wish to check blood sugar levels often and adjust dosages in accordance with their recommended course of treatment.

Insulin therapy is typically administered using pens, pumps or jet injector or it can be in the form of pills or tablets. Lispro is a new insulin product that is fast acting and is typically used in place of regular insulin. There are oral diabetes medications that may be used include Glyburide and Glipizide. They are more traditional medications that work to stimulate the pancreas into secreting more insulin. They're easy to employ and work well in most patients but typically cause low blood sugar.

Metformin, readily known as Glucophage, is 1 of the most prescribed drugs for treating type 2 diabetes. It works by suppressing glucose production in the liver. Metformin has latterly been shown to be safer for use by heart patients than any other diabetes medications and is frequently prescribed for diabetics who are obese as well. A common though nonetheless uncomfortable side effect is gastrointestinal distress, which can eventually go away with prolonged use.

Type two diabetics frequently take Metformin to lower the amount of sugar that is carried into the bloodstream. For some patients, that may be sufficient along with proper diet to manage the diabetes. For other patients, different diabetes medications that can be used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes are glibelclamide, glimerpirizide, and gliquidone, which all work to increase the insulin made by the pancreas.

You 'll want to follow your gp's recommendations faithfully in order to bring your condition under control. Every patient is different and 'll want to work with their gp to find the right diabetes medications and plan of treatment to manage diabetes successfully. It may take a bit of trial, on the other hand in the end, you'll be able to enjoy life and good wellbeing.

There have been a number of reports of various types of cancers being linked to popular medications prescribed to help patients control their type two diabetes. The reports claim that the medication has caused pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, and kidney failure. The manufacturer of the drug, who is based in Denmark, was given approval to sell the medication to patients in the United States in 2010.

The diabetes medication in question is administered as a daily injection, and is referred to as a form of glucagon-like peptide one (GLP-1) therapy. GLP-1 is a hormone that helps to produce insulin, which is necessary to assist in the breakdown of sugars found in the body. GLP-1 therapy works to mimic the function of the naturally produced hormone. That being said, current studies have found that the use of these manufactured GLP-1 therapy drugs may actually increase the potential for serious health complications including pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, and kidney failure.

Information released by the patient safety group, Public Citizen, found that this diabetes drug was approved for use even though three reviewers from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended it not be approved. The director of Public Citizen's Health Research Group, and a representative for consumers who sits on the advisory panel for drug safety and risk management for the FDA, felt that the drug should be banned, and that approving such a drug was a great threat to the safety and health of diabetic patients in the United States.

If you or someone you know took a diabetes medication and you were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, or kidney failure, you should not hesitate to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. These legal professionals are quite skilled in this area of the law and will evaluate your case to determine the best way to proceed.

There has been mounting concern that this type of diabetes medication can lead to pancreatic cancer. This type of cancer is usually deadly because it often goes undetected until it has reached an advanced stage. A Gastroenterology study that was conducted in 2011 found that the drugs used for GLP-1 therapy are associated with an almost three times increased risk of the development of pancreatic cancer. One of the main authors of the study has pushed for more research to determine the severity of the tie between this type of drug therapy and pancreatic cancer, as well as other types of cancers. A top endocrinologist agreed with this sentiment and the need for further research. He asserted that these conditions could just be the beginning of a much more serious issue.

There has also been a great deal of research suggesting that this type of diabetes medication may increase the risk of developing pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, and has been found to be a significant risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Clinical trials of this type of diabetes medication have suggested that the drug has been tied to the formation of pancreatitis.

It has also been asserted that other types of medications that work in a similar fashion may also be associated with an elevated risk of pancreatitis. Researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles published a study in 2011 in the Gastroenterology journal that showed the risk of developing pancreatitis was six times higher in people who took part in GLP-1 drug therapy. The two lead authors found that this type of medication had serious unpredicted and unintended side effects.

The researchers in the above mentioned study also found that this type of drug therapy is also associated with a higher than normal risk of developing thyroid cancer. While some researchers believe more research is necessary to explore this particular hazard, the risk does appear to be one that is significant. One study found that high doses of this class of medication caused tumors to form on the thyroid in mice and rats, and that the FDA stated it was not sure if the medication could cause thyroid cancer when used in human beings. When the FDA approved the drug, the agency asked the manufacturer to conduct a five year study to determine if it did in fact cause thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, or any other serious medical issue.

The kidneys are organs within the body that help filter toxins out of the blood as well as any other substance that is found to be in excess, such as salt, waste, and fluids. When the kidneys fail, the blood is not able to be filtered properly and toxins can build up to significant levels within the body. After this type of diabetes medication was approved, the FDA was notified of a number of cases of renal failure that was linked to the drug. When the agency was asked to address these reports, they requested a safety label be placed on the therapy that the medication could cause vomiting, dehydration due to diarrhea, and nausea, which could result in the failure of kidneys. People who have never had any type of kidney problem before can be affected with this condition. A spokesperson for Public Citizen has stated that the labeling system that was requested was "reckless" since it has not requested that patients or doctors stop taking the drug. The FDA warning does not appear to be enough, and the drug should have been removed from the marketplace.

If you or someone you know took a diabetes medication and suffered a severe health consequence such as developing pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, or kidney failure, you must take legal action to protect your rights. A personal injury attorney who specializes in defective drugs will review your case, and will advise you on the best possible way to proceed.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bananas - from physical to mental health

 Eating bananas - only benefits

And what if a banana has 100 calories? Not even so much for a tasty dessert, consistent and ... healthy! Eating bananas has so many benefits for our body, that even does not make sense to refuse us such a treat for a few extra calories or less. And taste and flavor of this fruit delight offered complete her banana.

The bananas are hiding so many secrets for health, that they seem to be a universal medicine. Here, some reasons why you should take the example of Mowgli and make a habit of eating bananas.

Bananas from morning to evening

... more precisely 3/day : one in the morning, noon and evening, before bedtime. Here is the recipe for a day full of energy and sleep like a baby and a 21% lower risk of making a stroke. The potassium in bananas help lower the risk of blood clot on the brain, while its absence in the body can lead to dizziness, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat and irritability. A banana contains, on average, 500 mg potassium, but you can fill needs and other foods such as spinach, nuts, milk, fish and lentils.

Besides potassium, bananas are also found in many substances beneficial to our health, including vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, manganese and fiber. If you eat bananas you will have strong bones, healthy kidneys and eagle eye!

Quiet sleep caused by banana finds explanation in the fact that they contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body produce serotonin. So if you can not sleep, eat a banana and count the sheeps. You will reach a large number ...

Eat bananas to not bother yourself

Stress is actuality disease, and he often accompanied by depression. What can we do? To calm down, to think that all the things wil go, time to eat 1-2 bananas. They are recommended to overcome anxiety and depression, combating stress, and its associated diseases, such as burns, ulcers (because they reduce acidity) or nausea.

But the list of benefits of bananas consumption  does not stop here: they help to fight against blood pressure, diarrhea or ... mosquito bites. Yes, you heard right: banana peel applied on the affected area a hungry mosquito relieves pain and itching.

Eat banana and give up cigarettes

Forget patches or gum and give yourself on bananas ... if you want to get rid of smoking. Bananas contain vitamins B6, B12, magnesium and potassium, all the helping to control specific symptoms caused by nicotine addiction withdrawal.

Miracle food for the brain

Experts recommend we should consume oily fish, liver, chicken or veal, chicken and quail eggs, pulses, seafood, whole grains, carrots, spinach, berries, bananas, avocados and dark chocolate. All these foods are recommended to strengthen our memory because they contain minerals, omega-3 oils, phosphorus and vitamins B complex .

Fat fish

Recent studies show that there is a close link between fish consumption and improved cognitive performance. It is important to eat oily fish because it contains Omega 3 fatty acids that help stimulate memory. So, eating salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel is essential for proper functioning of the brain. Researchers say that people who consumed at least once a week fish are much less prone to the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Calf liver

Calf liver and chicken contain iron which carries oxygen to the brain, and many other B complex vitamins range, which positively affects IQ.


Chicken eggs are recommended for those who want to revive the memory. Choline and vitamin B 12 are only two of beneficial substances found in eggs. In addition, they also contain lecithin, which improves memory. Meanwhile, quail eggs protects neural cells, revives and improves memory and IQ.


Carrots increase storage capacity. A cure is ideal for reviving the memory carrots. Therefore trying to get used to every morning to eat a fresh carrot salad.


Crabs are ideal for improving thinking. Rich in iodine, lecithin and phosphorus crabmeat prevents memory disorders and helps in better concentration. It can be consumed boiled, baked or fried, but is delicious in salads.


Researchers have found that spinach contains folate, which helps prevent and even cure memory loss. Having a major antioxidants, spinach slows memory deficiencies and appearance issues central nervous system that occur with aging.


Bananas contain substances beneficial for the brain. Glucose, vitamins and minerals energize it. So, a banana a day as baked, you quickly restore energy consumed daily by intellectual effort.


Chocolate is good for improving memory. However, do not overdo it! It is better to eat dark chocolate.


Whole grains contain many carbohydrates that give the brain a boost. Try to eat as often as one bowl of whole grains with milk or a sandwich with whole grain bread.


Soy protein, which is found in various plant products, such as soy milk or cheese or in supplements is good for improving memory. Therefore, and soy should be part of your daily diet.


Nuts are recommended for memory problems, because they contain a substance, phenylalanine, an essential amino acid for the body. This substance has a neurotransmitter role, disseminating nerve signals between neurons and the brain involved in memory protection.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen improves brain activity. Nutrients from pollen supplies food for the brain. Therefore, you can try and cure pollen. Administered two teaspoons daily pollen for 30 days. After a break of seven days repeated treatment.

Currant juice

If you drink a cup of fresh blackcurrant juice per day, you will not have problems with memory loss. Specialist studies show that these fruit juice helps memory even after it has been declining. Thus, older people who consumed throughout life in a sustainable way blackcurrant juice are better by 40% than those who did not consume.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Food For Diabetes

Learning that you are diabetic can be a life changing event.  In addition to taking medicine you will be asked to change your diet. Diet has been shown to be not only one of the biggest causative factors for diabetes but one of the most important treatment to aid in its control. You will need to talk to your doctor or find good books on diabetes that will tell you what good foods for diabetics are.  There are a lot of differing opinions on this, but there are some things that most experts agree on.

Good foods for diabetics will not be processed, or contain white flour, sugar, or saturated fat.  These foods will contribute to spikes in insulin levels and raise blood sugar rapidly making diabetes difficult to manage, and should be avoided.

Most importantly you should eat a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. This is because fresh fruits and vegetables are complex carbohydrates that are rich in nutrients and fiber that can help you control your blood sugar and lose weight.  While the amounts of fruits and vegetables will vary most experts will agree that these are definitely good foods for diabetics.

Another group of good foods for diabetics is the legumes family; these include beans, chickpeas and lentils. High in fiber, protein and carbohydrates, your body digests these foods slowly meaning that your blood sugar will stay stable longer.  Rich in nutrients and low in fat these foods can also aid you in losing weight and help to improve your overall health.

To round out your diabetic diet you can add in a lean protein such as fish which is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to aid in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Lean chicken and turkey and low fat dairy are also good sources of protein. Nuts are a good source of monounsaturated fat making them also good foods for diabetics.

A healthy diet can go a long ways to getting your diabetes under control and helping you to regain your health. Knowing what foods to choose will help you maintain your weight and your diabetes and lead to a much longer healthier life.

When you are cooking for people who have diabetes, you have to be aware of what some of the best food for diabetics are. While a person who is versed well in diet and nutrition can assist you with a diabetic meal plan. There are a few basics that you can follow to ensure that they are getting the proper nutrients while keeping there sugar low.

The first thing is to make sure that there is enough fiber in the diet. A person with diabetes should be eating at least 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories. And this can easily be included into any meal plan, because fibrous foods include beans, vegetables, whole grains, and some fruit. So right there you have a variety of food for diabetics to eat.

Secondly, try to incorporate foods that have a low glycemic index. Once again beans are apart of this list as well as oats, lentils, kefir (an excellent alternative to milk) and barley. You also want to drink plenty of water. Water is our bodies way of flushing out the toxins. And there have been published reports of how keeping your inside clean will help in keeping you as disease free as possible.

Also is has been noted by the ADA that a person with diabetes should be including plant sterols and stanols to the tune of 2 grams per day. These are not only beneficial to assisting with blood sugar but can also help with keeping LDL cholesterol in check as well.

Basically, the best food for diabetics is going to be foods that are healthy and wholesome. Stay away from eating fast food and processed food as these are not good for any one. If you are able to go the organic route that is even better. As organic food even tastes better than the food that is found at a traditional grocery store.

So if you want to keep your diabetes sugar numbers low, then invest in eating foods that are good for you. Once you begin to replace that piece of fried chicken with a piece of grilled chicken and realize how much better your body begins to feel. You will never go back to those bad eating habits again.

If you have diabetes, you are forbidden from eating certain foods! They are the foods high in carbohydrates, and foods high in fat. Refined sugar is another bad food for diabetics. You should also put an end to consuming excessive alcohol, and tobacco products. It is absolutely needed that you should avoid bad foods for diabetics. If you are aware of the foods to keep off, you will have more chance to keep off diabetes from you, or at the most you can manage your diabetic condition with ease. Here you have a brief description of the diabetic foods that are considered as bad for diabetics.

Foods high in Starch

Starches are nothing but carbohydrates whose function is to convert the consumed food into glucose. Glucose is the energy source for your body following digestion of foods. Starches can be had in great quantity from breads, rice, cereals, and root vegetables. Starch foods should not be consumed in large volume as they are bad foods for diabetics. However, carbohydrate foods should not be totally discarded from your menu. For instance, potatoes are high in starch but they are good source of protein to build your body. So you cannot keep off high carb foods as a whole. Eat a little bit!

Fatty high in fats

There are foods high in saturated fats which you should avoid as far as possible when you have diabetes. These foods include butter, margarine, and whole milk. Dietary products such as cheese and ice-cream are not at all recommended for diabetics as they are highly forbidden as bad foods for diabetics. Whole milk is to be curtained from consuming as fats form the prime component.

Refined sugars

If you have sugar intakes in the form of direct sugar, high fructose syrup, and candy sweets you will notice rise in sugar with these foods. But you cannot completely avoid all sugar. Indeed, you need to consume certain foods with less sugar ingredient in different forms of foods or small snacks.

Cholesterol foods

Cholesterol part of any food is harmful for health as it may worsen diabetic condition and increasing blood sugar in the bloodstream. Egg yokes, organ meats like liver, and brain are very bad foods for diabetics.

Excessive Alcohol drinks

Though alcohol is a pleasant drink to warm up your body, its role to control blood sugar is zero. Indeed, consuming excessive alcohol worsens the diabetic condition and spoils your health starting from damaging your liver, and then heart.