Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Weight Loss Plan

Just like creating a blueprint of your future, why not in a similar manner make another blueprint but this time containing the ways and means of how to lose weight. Make then a personalized weight loss plan.

A weight loss plan just like any other plans that one might have in life is something that is made in response to something that one have now. As each plan addresses specific things in life, this plan tries to help an individual lose weight. As losing weight is not as easy as counting the fingers of your friends, a careful plan should be made. So what makes a successful weight loss plan?

 Here are some things one should bear in mind during the process of creating a weight loss plan.

    Since it is a plan, therefore it is an investment, so upon creation of that plan, the author should first have the free will to make the plan. In turn he or she must abide and faithfully implement whatever there is in the plan. Lack of commitment and honest implementation perhaps are the very reasons why most plans don't work and those who desperately try to lose weight ends up frustrated about their plans.
As part of planning, look for the best recipe for diet and forms of exercise that will perfectly fit your system and most especially your lifestyle.     Be consistent and honest in constructing your weight loss plan. If you can't commit to a certain period everyday to do the exercise of your choice then don't commit. Don't think radically that changing the type of exercise or adding/subtracting the number of minutes of spent on that exercise everyday will not affect your goal. Make Weight Loss Permanent

Permanent weight loss is a daily challenge. Fad diets come and go. It may work in the short term, true. However, when we go back to our regular diet, the pounds follow. To make weight loss permanent, we need a diet plan that we can sustain. People are not meant to exist on a severely restrictive diet plan. It is detrimental to overall health. Surely, the primary goal of weight loss is the attainment of good health. This serves as your baseline data. Use the Harris Benedict principle to calculate your BMR or basal metabolic rate. Basic bodily functions like breathing make up 60% of your total daily caloric needs. Your BMR is also influenced by height, weight, age and sex. For example, your daily caloric requirement based on the Harris Benedict principle is 1500 calories. If you want to maintain your weight, you need to eat the same amount of calories. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat less. One pound is equivalent to 3500 calories.

Knowing the caloric amount of basic foods would help in achieving your weight goals. Consume 5 to 6 small meals instead of 3 big meals daily. Read food labels. It is wise to know the contents of the food you ingest. A balanced meal consists of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat.

Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grain products, fruits and vegetables. It would help to know the size of a single serving of basic foods. It is high in protein and good fats. A handful can assuage afternoon hunger pangs easily.

A good weight loss plan does not only work in the short term. Diet Plans Vs Weight Loss Pills

Er' indoors asked me to publish this article as I have no idea about diets and weight loss. 'She who should be obeyed' and her friends have spent years on different diets trying to lose weight, and feels it would be a good idea to give her views and opinions on the subject. Over the years my' better half' has tried many different diet plans, the names of which I can't recall. After reading through 100's of sites she decided no more diets and definitely no exercise regimes (too time-consuming and too tiring she said). She decided she was going to give weight loss pills try. The dogs are on diets, the wife's dropped 2 dress sizes (and is as happy as a pig in s**t) and I'm skint (but at least I can surf the net about something interesting now). The wife is happy with her size and weight and has just ordered another 6 month supply of Proactol so that she can maintain the weight she is at.

If you haven't got the willpower your diet will never work. When you are on weightloss pills willpower isn't as much of an important issue providing you remember to take your pills when you are supposed to, you can eat all the things you normally eat and you will lose weight. I know that they are not magic pills and you still have to eat the right normal foods, but compared to the work required for a normal diet or exercise regime the work required for weight loss pills is minimal So to sum it up Diet Plans will work with willpower and determination but my winner is definitely weight loss pills.

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